August 02, 2002

Sample post title

All of the text on this page is just sample text - none auto-generated as it will be eventually. I just needed something in here to give me an idea of what things were going to look like eventually. Fun, eh? So I just sit here and babble and babble and babble on and on and on...not that that's much different from anything I normally do around here.

Just testing my callouts here...nothing too exciting, though I do have to admit that I'm rather fond of the effect I came up with - while it doesn't render exactly the same in IE and Netscape, it's quite livable in both.

The following is a samble of a multi-paragraph <blockquote> with embedded <q> elements:

This is the first paragraph someone said to me.

This is the second paragraph, in which they told me that someone else said, This is what the second person said. Fascinating stuff, isn't it?

This is the third and last paragraph.

Another sample

Just more sample text filling space so I get a good visual feel of this entire shebang.