August 05, 2002
Woohoo! Turns out that Adriaan, the mad genius behind Kung-Tunes, liked the writeup I did of how I integrated Kung-Tunes into my (beta) site design. Not only did he link to me from his site, but he tells me that he's added a link to the writeup in the Kung-Tunes readme.
Posted by djwudi at 11:02 AM | Comments (0)
This is a test of something that will only work if you're looking at the beta version of my if you're on the current version the following two links won't do a thing.
Choose your poison: default stylesheet or negative-image stylesheet.
8/5/02 Addendum: I'm holding off on this experiment for a bit, as it doesn't play nicely with the method I used to integrate the 'Music of the moment' display. Maybe the PHP version of the stylesheet switcher will work better, but it'll be a bit before I dive into PHP. Until stylesheet is enough for me.
Posted by djwudi at 12:07 AM | Comments (2)
August 04, 2002
I've been working off and on for a while on converting my entire CD collection to .mp3 format so I could all my music available at the drop of a hat (or, more accurately, click of the mouse). Part of the fun of this is that as I'm going through, I'm listening to songs that I haven't listened to in ages - there are definite pros and cons to a CD collection somewhere over 1200 strong.
In any case, tonight I was listening to the Bloodhound Gang's CD "Use Your Fingers", and remembered just how much I like these guys. Completely ridiculous, irreverrent, and pretty much the antithesis of politically correct. One of my favorite tracks on the CD is "You're Pretty When I'm Drunk" - while it loses a lot without actually being able to hear it, the lyrics are still pretty, here they are...
» Keep reading…there's more… »
Posted by djwudi at 09:22 PM | Comments (0)
August 03, 2002
I found a fun little toy to play with today - a little program called Kung-Tunes that ties into iTunes (my .mp3 player), grabs whatever song I'm listening to at the moment, and writes a small text file to my website. That file is then integrated into the page whenever someone hits my site, giving them an instant readout of whatever I'm listening to if I happen to have any music playing when they visit.
Useful? Not in the least. Just cool. You'll see what I'm talking about if you check out the upper right side of my beta design.
Posted by djwudi at 09:55 PM | Comments (4)
Well, I did a bunch of coding tonight, and have v1 of my site redesign up and ready to beta-test. Feel like taking a look?
More details on the redesign are in the rest of this post. Unfortunately, as all I've re-coded so far is the main Long Letter page, they'll revert to the current design. Still, at least I'm started, right?
» Keep reading…there's more… »
Posted by djwudi at 04:15 AM | Comments (3)
August 02, 2002
Personally, I think the world needs more webcams like this.
Posted by djwudi at 12:48 AM | Comments (0)
August 01, 2002
I didn't want to say anything about this too soon - I tend to get a little too excited about things before they're actually happening - but now that i've been at it for almost a full week, I figured I'd actually say something about it.
Life at work has taken a definite turn for the better!
Last week I was about ready to turn in my resignation and ask my temp agency to find me another posting. While the work hasn't been bad, there have been two main annoyances that have been getting to me. First off, the pay is a lot lower than I'd like it to be, and secondly, since I've just been your basic bindery monkey (binding books, cutting paper, laminating, drilling holes, etc.), not only was I not learning anything new, but I wasn't even using the knowledge I had. Not something that's likely to keep me interested for very long, and I'd pretty much reached the end of my rope. So on Wednesday, I was on my way to the boss's office to talk to him about this and see if there was anything that could be done about either (or preferably both) of these situations.
On my way there, I got pulled aside, and asked if I knew anything about HTML. Since I've been playing with this website since about 1995 I was pretty cofindent in telling them that I had some idea of how it worked...and suddenly, I was a lot less interested in whining to my boss.
Since this last Monday, I've been neck-deep in HTML, CSS, and XML, working on helping to code the pages for a web-based job submission tool being built by Xerox for use within Microsoft for sending jobs to the Xerox print shops. They've given me a week or two to 'prove myself' so that they could be sure that I actually was able to contribute to the project and wasn't just talking out of my rear when I said that I was good with HTML, and then we get to start negotiating a raise. This doesn't look like it'll be too hard to do, as I've made a lot of progress over the past four days with the two pages that I was given to start with.
One fun side effect of diving into the world of code has been that it's kicked me back into full-on geek mode. I've had a few things bouncing around that i've wated to work on here on my site, but I just hadn't gotten around to getting started. Now that geek mode is back in gear, I'll be diving back into those projects. In order to track the ideas and concepts that I'm learning, I decided to start a new blog focusing on HTML, CSS, and all those goodies - if you'd like to take a peek into me geeking out, feel free to take a look at CodeTweaking. I've invited two of my friends that I know are also starting to look at the world of blogging and web work to participate, too, so if they accept, I won't be the only author posting information to CodeTweaking. Should be interesting to see how this goes....
Posted by djwudi at 11:53 PM | Comments (2)
July 31, 2002
This is an e-mail that Karl just sent me...
For me, voting in the Republican primary election for my district (Turnagin District 26 in Anchorage), l have to choose between Strait and Gay.
This is ABSOLUTELY kidding!
This is from the State of Alaska, Division of Elections candidate page.
Look at the bottom two entries of the candidate listing where it says:
GORDON W. HARTLIEB (Libertarian)
3419 Grissom Circle
Anchorage, AK 99517
Phone: (907) 243-8198
Candidate's web site:
ETHAN A. BERKOWITZ (Democrat - Incumbent)
1219 Inlet Place
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 279-5659
Candidate's web site:
STEVE STRAIT (Republican)
2500 Douglas Drive
Anchorage, AK 99517
Phone: (907) 248-1028
Candidate's web site:
BECKY GAY (Republican)
PO Box 190428
Anchorage, AK 99519
Phone: (907) 248-5909
Candidate's web site:
These Republicans are running against each other in the primary!
I'm switching to Libertarian GODDAMNIT!
Sounds like a good idea to me...
Posted by djwudi at 10:57 AM | Comments (0)
Posted by djwudi at 12:28 AM | Comments (1)