The defaults command line program is used to adjust all the hacks I've collected here. Some tips on using it:
For any setting where you are changing behaviour with a true/false switch, just retype the command with the opposite setting to revert to defaults.
To see all the system defaults (lots of info):
defaults read
To see the different domains (sections) of defaults available:
defaults domains
To see a specific domain's defaults:
defaults read domainName
Built-in help for defaults:
defaults help
With each of these hacks, after you make the change you'll need to quit the dock before you'll see the change. This can be done either by rebooting, logging out and back in, or forcing the application to quit, either through the control-alt-escape dialog box or the unix 'kill' command.
Changing icon behaviour:
To make hidden app icons display as translucent:
defaults write showhidden 1
...and use a value of 0 to reset to no transparency.
To make the foreground app's triangle display blue:
defaults write showforeground 1
...and again, set the value to 0 to display all arrows as black.
Different Genie effects:
The dock actually has three seperate minimization effects that it can use - pick one you like. "Genie" is the default behaviour.
defaults write mineffect genie
defaults write mineffect scale
defaults write mineffect suck
Zoom rectangles:
Disabling zoom rectangles:
defaults write ZoomRects false
Showing hidden files:
To show all files normally hidden by the system:
defaults write ShowAllFiles true
Changing the banner graphic and target:
To change the displayed graphic:
defaults write internetUrlDefaultBannerImage file:///~Documents/banner.gif
...where "banner.gif" is the name of a banner file in your default Documents folder.
To change the target URL:
defaults write internetUrlDefaultBannerLink
...where the URL is the URL you wish the banner to point to.
Transparent terminal windows
In the terminal, type...
defaults write TerminalOpaqueness X
...where X = a value between 0 and 1 (.85 works well). Then either exit and restart the Terminal program, or just use command-N to open a new terminal window. You may need to experiment with the colors a bit - I'm using a black background with bright green text, and it works well, I've heard that a white background makes it look like a pane of smoked glass.
UNIX processes
Enabling sendmail
All this takes is a couple simple changes to some textfiles on the drive. You'll need root access to do this, though, and I'd suggest using vi or some other unix command-line level editor to be sure that the file gets saved with unix-style linebreaks.
First, edit /etc/hostconfig, changing the line MAILSERVER=-NO- to MAILSERVER=-YES-.
(Optional step - only necessary if you have a qualified domain name and intend to recieve mail on the machine. Not necessary for sending only.) In the same file (/etc/hostconfig), change HOSTNAME=-AUTOMATIC- to HOSTNAME="".
Now, to get sendmail to startup automatically at boot, you need to edit the file /system/library/startupitems/sendmail/sendmail. Towards the end of the file, you'll see a line that ends with an ampersand (&). Remove the ampersand, and save the file.
To test sendmail, create a textfile (in this example, the filename is testmail.txt). Then type this at in the terminal:
mail -s "Subject of the mail" < testmail.txt
For a slightly clearer example, my test looked like this:
mail -s "testing..." < testmail.txt
Wait a few moments, and your mail should show up at whatever address you sent it to!
You may get this error returned to you when you try the test send:
/etc/mail/ line 81: fileclass: cannot open /etc/mail/local-host-names: Group writeable directory
This seems to mean that the root ( / ) directory's permissions are wrong, even though it's giving a different directory. Make sure that the root of the filesystem is set to 755, not 775. That should do it!
Removing the non-english language packs
As OS X comes localised for many different languages, it includes a ton of *.lproj files that are used to translate the OS and applications to the correct language. If you don't plan on using any other language, you can somewhat easily delete those files - and save yourself about 270Mb of drivespace!
You'll need to execute these commands as root.
To delete all non-english files:
find / \! -name "English.lproj" -name "*.lproj" -type d -exec rm -rf -- { } \; -prune
The find and delete operations will take about five minutes, and should clear up about 270 Mb of drivespace.
Here's a quick explanation of the various parts of the command:
find / - executes the 'find' command, and tells it to start at the root ( / ) level of the system
\! -name "English.lproj" -name "*.lproj" - tells find to look for any file that ends in '.lproj' except files with the full name of 'English.lproj'
-type d - tells find only to look at directories (all the .lproj 'files' are actually directories)
-exec rm -rf -- { } \; - tells find to run the 'rm' command on the results of its search (-rf tells rm to recursively delete through the directory tree wihout confirmation, -- tells rm that anything following that is not an argument, I don't completely understand what the brackets do, and the \; signals the end of the 'exec' statement)
-prune - tells find not to look further into a directory once a match has been made; this prevents the rm command from trying to remove a directory inside a directory that's already been removed.