Norwescon 30: Friday

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on April 23, 2007). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Stardance, Norwescon 30

Finally — all my shots from Friday of this year’s Norwescon are processed and uploaded (some shots are mildly NSFW — no outright nudity, some panties-and-pasties). There’s a few random hall costumes to start off with, and shots from the Stardance towards the end. However, the majority of Friday’s shots are from the Fannish Fetish Fashion Show: fashion sets from Notorious Curves and; burlesque performances by The Von FoxiesHeidi Von Haught and Pidgeon Von Tramp, Miz Ginger Snapz, and Estella E’Strange; plus Project Fetishway and Fannish Idol; all hosted by the lovely Betty Rage.

I’ll be the first to admit that, try as I might, my shots likely aren’t going to be winning any photography awards. ;) Still, I do the best I can, I don’t think they came out too horribly, and every time I do something like this I figure out a few more things to make things better the next time. Many thanks to spitkitten for giving me the opportunity to shoot the show!

Meanwhile, work continues on Saturday’s shots — and since Saturday has the post-Masquerade costume photoshoot, there’s many more photos yet to come!

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