About the Author

A photo of Michael Hanscom, a bald caucasian male with light facial hair wearing a dark suit

I’m Michael Hanscom. Some old friends may remember me as Woody (or Wüdi), though I pretty much just go by Michael these days. Hi there.

Contact: Finding me in the virtual world…

Looking to get ahold of me for something? Good old-fashioned email is often the best option.

I also have accounts on a number of other online communities, websites, and social networking sites — though I am working on reducing how much content I hand over to corporations instead of posting here on space that I control, so I may or may not actually be very active on any of these. You can find me on Mastodon, Facebook, Bluesky, LinkedIn, The StoryGraph, YouTube, MixCloud, and possibly a few others I’ve forgotten about.

Short Bio

I consider myself an ambivert; neither entirely extrovert or introvert, but somewhere in between and able to be comfortable on my own or in social situations. Geeky in both computing and science-fiction senses — with computers, macOS is my home turf, but I’m comfortable in Windows environments and used to be able to find my way around a *nix command line; with science fiction, _Star Trek_ is my primary fandom. I spent a number of years as a goth/alternative/electronica DJ, and still occasionally post mixes to my DJ Wüdi site when I get inspired. Politically liberal, with active interests in social justice and equality movements; I try to be aware of my own privilege and use it to support those who have less. I strive to be friendly and welcoming, to be curious and open to new ideas, viewpoints, and tools, and to generally do my best to be a good person. I use he/him pronouns.

I was raised in Alaska, but have been living in Washington since 2001. I live in Kent, just south of Seattle. I have a bachelor’s degree in Law and Justice and a master’s degree in Information Technology and Administrative Management, both awarded from Central Washington University (in 2011 and 2015, respectively). I work at Highline College as Program Manager for Accessible Technology in Access Services, and volunteer for the Seattle-area Norwescon and Seattle Worldcon 2025 sci-fi and fantasy conventions. Posts, opinions, and commentary here are my own and should not be taken as speaking for anyone else, including my employers.