I'm mainly throwing this stuff up for no real reason aside from pure grins and giggles. I've been coding my own websites by hand since sometime in 1996, and have every so often backed up whatever the current status of my site was at that time.

So, here for your enjoyment (and possibly boredeom), is a selection of websites I've done in the past - some ideas that worked, some that didn't, whatever I was playing with at the time. Be warned, some of these pages aren't incredibly pretty, as my design skills when I started this were nowhere near where they are now (though some may argue that they haven't really progressed all that much...).

Additionally, as these are just straight copies of the directories, there are no gaurantees that any of the links - especially external ones - may be functional at all. NOTE: On quite a few (if not all) of these pages, my e-mail address is given as djwoody@alaska.net - this is no longer any good! Should you get the mad impulse to babble at me while wandering through these pages, please use djwudi @ yahoo.com instead. I considered changing the address in all the pages, but decided that I'd rather keep them exactly as I coded them at the time. Hopefull this won't end up too confusing. We'll see.

So...should you still be brave enough to dive into what my past web work has been...enjoy.

Woody's World of Wonders, circa February 27, 1996.

My first homepage. Kinda scary, looking back on it. One long page, tons of links all over the place, bad graphics, horrid colors...laughable in this day and age, but at the time, it was actually fairly indicitave of the web as a whole. The WWW was something new and exciting then, and still very basic in what it could do - simple text and graphics was about it, none of today's fancy tricks were available. We've come a long way, baby....

Woody's World of Wonders, circa February 14, 1997.

One year later - what a difference it can make. Still much of the same content as before, but vastly improved. Managed to get it separated into sections, with a much simpler and cleaner homepage. Some of the code doesn't work quite correctly anymore - I had pulled some (at the time) cutting-edge tricks to get the alignment to work, and today's browsers break those tricks, unfortunately. Ah, well, you live you learn - and I was still learning.

Woody's World of Wonders, circa April 21, 1997.

A mere two months later, another archive. As I decided to concentrate more upon the webpages I was keeping for the dance clubs I was working at, the more 'personal' aspects of my webpages fell by the wayside and disappeared. However, the corresponding increase in work on the club sections was to drive my web endeavors for the next few years, so it wasn't all bad.

Woody's World of Wonders, circa March 30, 1998.

Another year later, and the front page still hasn't changed much - hey, why futz with a decent design? However, the page for Gig's had pretty much taken over the whopping 1Mb of webspace I had to play with. Incidentally, the Gig's pages still comprise one of my favorite sites that I've worked on - to jump straight to the Gig's page, click here. For those of you that might have actally ever gone to Gig's, it's a fun trip into nostalgialand....

And that's it for the moment...my web work fell by the wayside for most of the latter half of 1998 and the first half of 1999, and it was just recently that I got set up with this domain. As things change here at djwudi.dyndns.org I may update this archive page, but until then, this is what ya get. If you got bored enough to poke around here, I do hope you enjoyed looking around...it's been a fun process learning all this stuff, and I'm very happy I took the time to archive my old sites every so often. It's fun to go back and see this old stuff, sometimes. Anyway, that's it for now....