The infamous 'Quotebook'
This is a project I've been working on for quite a few years now. It all got started in my Honors English class in 11th grade. Each student was to keep a quotebook during the year, which would be graded at the end of each quarter by our teacher. She never gave us any guidelines or rules as to what should or shouldn't go in the book - only that if it was painfully obvious that we'd done nothing but make a mad dash through "Bartlett's Quotations" on the night before we were to turn in the book, we weren't likely to get a very good grade.
I had a lot of fun working on the quotebook that year, and have never really stopped keeping it. There are times I'm a little more diligent about keeping it up to date than others, but on the whole, bits and pieces have been getting dropped in here for about 11 years now.
I've recently finished doing a very loose sort of the quotes I've collected into three categories - Amusing Bits (things that make me laugh, or at least smirk), Thoughtful Bits (anything that kicks the ol' grey matter into gear for a moment), and Miscellaneous Bits (stuff that doesn't quite fit into either of the other two categories). As I continue to collect quotes, I'll drop them into the appropriate files whenever I get around to it. Each part has been split into files of 32k or less to minimize download time. Feel free to peruse what's in here - some fun and interesting stuff can be found inside...
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