Generally, I’m not much of one to take pleasure in others’ misfortunes. However, I do have to admit that it does my little Mac-lovin’ heart proud to be walking around Seattle, WA — just down the road from the pit of despair itself — and to see every newspaper stand in town featuring a headline in large, bold type, across the entire width of the front page proclaiming “XP VULNERABLE TO HACKER ATTACKS”
Windows? XP? With bugs? Naah. You’re kidding. No way. I never would have guessed.
Keep in mind, this comes from a company that, when they were advertising the then-upcoming release of Windows 2000, their sales brochure triumphantly proclaimed that Win2k “includes tens of thousands of bug fixes from Windows NT 4.0!!!” (Note: For those that may think I’m mis-remembering or flat-out making this quote up, many more citations can be found with a quick Google search.)
Excuse me? Your marketing scheme for your new high-end ultra-reliable ultra-secure server operating system is to freely admit that your previous high-end ultra-reliable ultra-secure server operating system shipped not just with bugs…not just with a few bugs…but with tens of thousands of bugs?