
This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on February 18, 2002). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

blasphemy means ignoring your dreamsI found this at Unamerican. Very cool site.

Okay, I’ve spent some more time bouncing around the site, and I really don’t want to say nothing except ‘very cool site’ — that’d be doing it such a disservice. I haven’t even done much more than skim over most of the site — there’s a ton of stuff to read — but I’ve gone over the catalog of shirts and stickers, and I want to order one of each of the shirts, and about five of each of the stickers. Seriously. I could think of so many places to put so many of these stickers. They’re great.

So head over there, check it out. Buy me stuff. :D Buy yourself stuff. Or just look and get a giggle at some of the stuff there. It’s cool.

There’s also some very interesting — and very frightening — stuff to be found in the links from the site. Such as this column on ‘Homeland Security’ checkpoints being set up. I haven’t been as paranoid as some people I’ve met…but stuff like this really makes me wonder.