I found this at Unamerican. Very cool site.
Okay, I’ve spent some more time bouncing around the site, and I really don’t want to say nothing except ‘very cool site’ — that’d be doing it such a disservice. I haven’t even done much more than skim over most of the site — there’s a ton of stuff to read — but I’ve gone over the catalog of shirts and stickers, and I want to order one of each of the shirts, and about five of each of the stickers. Seriously. I could think of so many places to put so many of these stickers. They’re great.
So head over there, check it out. Buy me stuff. :D Buy yourself stuff. Or just look and get a giggle at some of the stuff there. It’s cool.
There’s also some very interesting — and very frightening — stuff to be found in the links from the site. Such as this column on ‘Homeland Security’ checkpoints being set up. I haven’t been as paranoid as some people I’ve met…but stuff like this really makes me wonder.