Casey sent me a link to a nerd test on the Archie McFee website. This thing gives some really interesting results, as it turns out.
Casey’s score:
Score: 840
Rating: 179.88%
400 extra points for running Linux
So, I got curious — Mac OS X is a UNIX-based system — would the test be able to factor that in? Yes and no, apparently. I took the test twice — the first time using Internet Explorer:
Score: 128
Rating: 27.41%
25 extra points for using a Mac
The second time I took the test, I put in the exact same answers, only this time I used links, a text-based command-line browser:
Score: 1140
Rating: 244.12%
(No extra points noted)
Interesting, huh? Apparently browsing the web from the command line is pretty nerdy….