This is nice to know — I just signed up with BlogSnob to display little text ads (you should be able to see the ad on the right side, between “Books” and “blog rings/links”). I display links to other people’s blogs, and my link gets displayed on other people’s blogs. I just checked my stats, and since I signed up on the 7th — just four days ago — my ad has been displayed 208 times, and I’ve had 6 people visit my site from my BlogSnob ad on another site. This gives me a 2.88% click-through rate, which while it doesn’t sound very high, when ad banner click-through rates are commonly reported at somewhere around .25% or lower, it’s pretty good. I’ll be staying with these guys.
I was having some problems getting the code to validate, but just got a little help from ServMe (FriedKitten), and now everythings validating and displaying without a hitch. Woohoo!