This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 26, 2002). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
One of the constant things I get from Wintel people is that “there isn’t any software for the Mac” — in fact, I heard this just the other day, talking with someone at work. I got to thinking about this this morning after…
- Creating two .eps files with Adobe Illustrator 10 (Mac OS X native)…
- Importing those .eps files into Adobe InDesign 2.0 (Mac OS X native)…
- Exporting the file to a .pdf readable by Adobe Acrobat reader (Mac OS X native)…
- Browsed the headlines from 46 different websites with NetNewsWire Lite 1.0 (Mac OS X only RSS reader)…
- Read further on a few of the stories with Chimera (Mac OS X only Gecko-based web browser)…
- And made a few posts to The Long Letter using EspressoBlog (Mac OS X only application for posting to MovableType or Blogger powered weblogs).
Anyway, that’s it. Just amused me.