Some unusually interesting (to me, at least, as both an Apple fan and a music fan) rumors surfacing over at /. today.
First came this post…
danamania writes “Apple’s latest promotion is a gimmick with Madonna, Tony Hawk or Beck’s signature, or a No Doubt logo, on an iPod. It seems Apple’s really pushing the iPod as a too-cool fashion accessory as much as a too-cooler MP3 player… is Maddie’s signature worth an extra USD49 over the standard iPod?” Instead of $50 for the engraved signature, you can spend $20 to print “Madonna’s Signature” in beautiful Helvetica.
Then, in the followup comments, someone claiming to be from Apple posted the following in two separate comments:
Comment one…
I’m posting this anonymously to protect my job. Not that they’ll fire me or anything, but why risk it?
For several years, we (Apple) have been working on ways of customizing computers and electronics. It all started back in the Power Mac Cube days, when we were looking into new injection molding processes. That worked okay, but we got a lot of flak from customers who thought the mold lines in the plastic looked like cracks.
Now we’re looking at custom laser engraving, trying to figure out ways to get the cost down to less than a dollar per square inch. The idea is that you will be able to order your laptop with anything at all engraved on the surface: your name, a logo, a picture of your kids, whatever.
This little promo is just some of the runoff from that work.
Oh, and incidentally, Apple isn’t doing this for the money. I don’t want to say anything else too specific, but there’s more going on between Apple and these artists than just this. Expect to see more interesting things in the coming months.
…and comment two…
Actually, it’s a hell of a lot more interesting than that. And I’m astounded that nobody’s guessed it yet.
See, the deal is that Apple’s management — Steve more than anybody else, really — sees the record companies kinda dropping the ball. People are happy with MP3-quality music, and they want to be able to buy it over the Internet. Current systems for doing that just suck. Since Apple controls .Mac, the OS, iTunes, the iPod, and QuickTime 6/AAC, they’re the only ones who are in a position to make a real end-to-end, easy-to-use digital music distribution system happen.
In the future, you’ll (assuming we can cut a deal with Apple Records on that nasty trademark matter) be able to plug you iPod into your Mac, browse a library of songs via iTunes, and download them directly to your iPod over broadband or AirPort. Micro-payment (well, semi-micro; on the order of a dollar per song) will be handled through the .Mac “one click” system, which Apple licensed from Amazon and already uses in iPhoto for buying photographic prints on line. The only DRM will be the stuff we’ve already go built into the iPod that makes it inconvenient, though of course not impossible, to copy music off of it once it’s been put on.
When we go live with this — which we’re hoping to do by the end of next year at the latest — we’re going to need some big names. That’s why we’ve been talking to Madonna, No Doubt, Beck, Dave Matthews Band, Moby, and some others.
Basically Apple is trying to do an end-run around the record companies and the RIAA. It’s not done yet, and it may not work, but the foundation is there and all that’s really left is to sort out the legal details.
If anybody finds out I’ve posted this, I’m out of a job, and I’ll probably end up with my ass in court. Hope this “anonymous coward” thing works as advertised.
The laptop engraving sounds very interesting, though I’m not sure how much I’d take advantage of it — though if I had the money to blow on a TiBook, I’d love to add a few extra dollars to get my tattoo design emblazoned on the lid.
The full-solution music idea sounds quite interesting, though. Seems to me that if anyone’s in a position to get this up and running, it’s most likely going to be Apple. A dollar a song sounds a bit steep at first look — it doesn’t drop the price significantly, if at all, over buying a CD from a store — but then, I just really started playing with .mp3 files this past year, and even then I’m pretty much sticking with my own stuff. Someone more into tracking down and finding music online may have a better idea of how appealing this idea might be.