Fine tuning

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 5, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

A few more changes to the main page here, as I work my way through the ideas I’ve got running around in my noggin.

The sidebar has been re-organized again. The site search is now the top item so it’s as easy to find as possible. Next are the archive listings (soon to be revamped, I just didn’t want to tackle that project tonight), as they’d be the next likely target for someone looking for something I wrote in the past.

The next four sections are the Recent Comments (last 5 comments posted to the site), Recently Seen (my last 5 movie reviews), Recently Read (my last 5 books read — this is still in the process of being resurrected, more below), and Recent Tunes (the last 10 tracks played by iTunes).

Outbound links follow (can’t be too eager to send people away from my site, can I?) — first my photoblog, then my blogroll, web rings, and the BlogSnob ad. Lastly, my Amazon wishlist, RSS feeds, and MovableType banner.

I’ve removed the Amazon Honor System paybox. In the six months or so I’ve had it up, I haven’t gotten any donations, so I figured I’d bow to the inevitable and remove it from my page. It was worth trying, right?

The “Recently Read” section is a resurrection of a feature I had a while ago, and have wanted to get working again. While previously I had been using a seperate blog and incorporating it into my page via SSI, now I’ve just set it up as a category within The Long Letter — much easier to keep track of this way. At the moment, there’s only one entry here — from when I read Lord of the Rings back in April — but the rest of the old entries will be added soon, and new ones will appear as I devour more books. I’ve also added a category for movie reviews, seperate from my more generic “Moviebits” category, and moved all my old reviews into it. As with the books, more will come as it comes.

That’s it for tonight. Next week’s project: revamping the Archives into something a little more useable.