More on Safari

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 7, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

In order to give it something of a workout, I went ahead and set Safari to be my default web browser. I’ll probably keep it here for the next couple days to stress test it, then switch back to Chimera until Safari moves out of beta status.

Mark Pilgrim has a good rundown of current CSS bugs that he’s uncovered in Safari so far (thankfully, though, it renders just fine). Amusingly enough, I may have just found one more while I was reading his post: while most of his links highlight correctly when the pointer is over them, the ‘First test case’ link towards the end of the post that has \<code> tags within the link displays oddly — the code snippets disappear! Here’s a couple quick screenshots of how it looks in Chimera and in Safari:

Chimera renders the link correctly...

...while Safari blanks out the code snippets!

I’m also finding that I (along with many other people) really miss the tabbed browsing available in Chimera and Mozilla — once you’ve gotten used to it, it’s really hard to go back to having window after window all over the place. Still, the speed is definitely good, and overall, it’s not too shabby. Just definitely a beta release. Here’s hoping that future releases are as impressive as the first shot!