MT upgrades

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 25, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I’ve just added a new plug-in to MovableType — SmartyPants. It’s a relatively minor thing, but one that’s nice to have — it automatically converts common characters into their typographically-correct versions. Quotation marks display using ‘curly’ quotes rather than ‘straight’ quotes, a series of three periods will be transformed into the ellipsis character ( … ), and two dashes surrounded by spaces ( —- ) will be converted into an ’em dash’ ( — ).

It’s purely for looks and presentation, but I like it better this way. So there.

I’ve also altered the code for my individual entry pages using a trick from Burningbird and Phil so that in addition to displaying any TrackBack pings I get on the pages, those pages are also rebuilt at the time of the ping. Previously I’d been using a PHP include to put the TrackBack information in, but that resulted in a slowdown when people requested pages, as the server had to process the CGI script that listed the TrackBack pings every time a page was served. This way, TrackBack pings will take a bit longer when they happen, but pulling individual pages from my server goes much faster (half a second as opposed to 2 to 3 seconds on average).