The Hanscom Family

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 30, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Today brings the debut of a project I’ve been working on for the past week or so — The Hanscom Family Weblog! This is (will be) a collaborative weblog, by and for the various members of the Hanscom family. From my introductory post:

This is a project that I started thinking about a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been running my own weblog for a while now, but the idea of doing a “group weblog” had always bounced around in my brain. Suddenly, the idea hit me — why not make one for my family?

The Hanscom family members tend to be a wonderful combination of intelligent, opinionated, and locquacious, the combination of which seems like a natural wellspring for content. We’re also scattered across the United States, and currently the globe.

So, last week I sent an e-mail out to mom and dad, asking them to forward it along to the rest of the family, sounding out what they thought of the idea. So far, mom, dad, and Susan have all expressed interest, and I’m hoping that everyone else will join in the fray.

As things are just getting off the ground, at present I’m the only author, though that will change as soon as I get passwords assigned, e-mails sent out, instructions…instructed…anyway, all that fun stuff. In any case, we’re up and running!