It's real! No, it's a hoax! Wait…

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on May 14, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Microsoft just can’t seem to keep their story straight these days.

May 5^th^, word leaked to the ‘net about their ‘iLoo’ ‘net-enabled portapotty.

On the 13^th^, CNN reported that MS had declared the iLoo a hoax, though there were some doubts.

Well, later on the 13^th^, Wired published an update to the story, where MS admitted the iLoo wasn’t a hoax.

The U.K. division likes to run clever and innovative marketing campaigns, Gurry said, and had thought an iLoo would appeal to the British. MSN typically allows its units to tailor their own campaigns to their regions, she said. But MSN’s executive team, which had heard of the iLoo through news reports, took the unusual step of killing the project on Monday, she said, believing that the portable toilet “wasn’t the best extension of our brand.”

Why, those wacky Brits! What will they think of next?