Shelley noticed TypePad weblogs starting to pop up out of the woodwork today, and points out a few that she’s found.
As was mentioned in one of the comments to her post, it’s definitely interesting being in a beta test period with weblogs that are public, and yet being bound by a (limited) NDA that prevents me from saying much of anything about the service itself. This isn’t a complaint at all, mind you — it just means I can’t flood my weblog with “Oooh! Look at that!” and “This is so cool!” and “Check out what I can do!” posts.
In other words, it’s a good thing. ;)
Obviously enough, some of the new toys are going to be fairly obvious, if you know where to look. All I feel entirely safe saying is that everything on this site is created and managed through TypePad — and that’s also a good thing.
And now, I’m off to play some more…