Go Dubya!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on July 16, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

President George W. Bush is set to break two records previously set by his father.

Number one: we’re spiralling ever-downward into a projected \$455 billion deficit.

Number two: We’ve now lost 147 soldiers in Iraq — a tie with the 1991 Gulf War. One more casualty — which, if we go by the average, should happen sometime within the next 24 hours — and we’ll be over.

Go Dubya!

(via Atrios)

1 thought on “Go Dubya!”

  1. With all due respect to honest God fearing folks. And BOTH my Grandfather and Grandmother were Quaker ministers.

    Bush is following God’s plan.
    God told him to do this.
    God is instructing him.
    He is doing God’s will.
    Bush has made this quite clear.

    These people who use God as a weapon make me sick!

    My God is a loving God and has never told me to invade another country or to send others in his name to be killed.

    To this I add.

    Please God, Please save me from your followers.

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