Who turned out the lights?

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on August 14, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Okay — so who forgot to pay the electric bill? Just bizarre, to know that that much of the eastern seaboard lost power today. There doesn’t seem to be any real news to the news, but John Hoke has been keeping up with the news as best he can over at his Asylum.

I remember a time probably around 15 years or so when most of Alaska went dark. If I’m remembering it correctly, a raven had flown into some power lines, completeing the circut and bringing down one powerstation (along with killing itself in the process). When that station went down, the next in the series tried to cover for the loss, and couldn’t do it, so it went down. The next station then tried to cover for two downed stations…and it went down. And so on, and so forth, until Alaska was blacked out from the Kenai Peninsula up to about halfway to Fairbanks, I think. Took a good few days to get that mess straightened out.

Hopefully everything kicks back into service soon for all you New Yorkers, though. Good luck!

1 thought on “Who turned out the lights?”

  1. Your right about the raven story as I remember it well. But I always thought it was crazy that one stupid bird could blackout the entire state.
    I mean hadn’t they planned on a bird landing on the line? Only in Alaska!

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