Good things Bush has done

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on August 20, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Daily Kos is trying to come up with three good things Bush has done, and he’s having problems. I can’t come up with three — I can, however, come up with one. Here’s the text of comment I left over at the Go Fish:

Believe it or not, I do have one thing that I can completely seriously thank Bush and his administration for.

Thanks to his blundering incompetence, many people (myself included) are paying far more attention to politics than we used to. Bush’s otherwise disastrous presidency just may be the single strongest argument for people to actually wake up and pay attention to what’s going on in the world around them and to try to do something about it by getting involved than any ad campaign, voter registration drive, or anything else in years. More and more people want Bush out of the White House, and are realizing that for that to happen, they actually have to participate in this democracy of ours.

And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I thank President Bush.

But that’s all I can come up with.

165 thoughts on “Good things Bush has done”

  1. bush was right about.
    -iraq having weapons of mass destruction (Iraq just sent all the weapons over to seria before military ever even got to iraq.)
    bush never.
    -knew that hurricane katrina was going to hit as early as it did. (according to the news accross america, a “DEMOCRAT,” in charge of informing the president when hurricane katrina was supposed to “HIT” new orleans. He DIDNT even try and call or get a hold of president bush while bush was away at a congress meeting. The people (democrats) focused more on that president bush about not being three then focusing on helping out the victims of katrina while most republicans gave money to the katrina victims.) Another question is why should bush be the one to be questioned about hurricane katrina? It was the MAYOR Of the city to inform this poor city about hurricane katrina. I blame the deaths of people such as parents, gangs, and people without transportion on poor intelegence. IT breaks my heart to see all those inocent childern dying now because of the’re parents refusing to leave and all the mentally disabled people who are unable to leave. The childern and mental should have been the ones focused towards. along with the elderly. bush should have focused on that if anything. I am a strong follower of the bush admination and i believe close to eveyrhting he does in our country.
    a question to ask ur self would be would you rather have a democrat president helping the country out selling technolgy to other non allias . and having no miltary because generals said if we have another democrat president they are all quiting.
    or have a president protecting our country ?

  2. I want to say this is the first time I have ever read posts on a site like this. We as Americans need to realize that each president has their bad and good they are only human. Each president also has to deal with issues that were left for him to solve by previous presidents. We started the Taliban many years ago and now we are trying to rectify that situation. No one thought that they would some day be killing many of their own people and making them live in oppression. At the time we were to worried about the communists. The world is in a constant cycle of bad and good. There is never a perfect time of peace, there will always be some issue that someone disagrees with. This is why so many people on this web site have referred to others using curse words. We take advantage of our situation. To actually know what is going on we would have to be there. We can only learn from others and because of this facts get distorted. I do not understand why people are cursing at each other to try to prove their points. As you have noticed by reading this I have not made a definitive stand on whether or not Bush is a good president. We can gripe and whine all we want, but only the years and changes brought will tell the true story of who was a good president.

  3. haha, good job, but their is like nothing else that is good!!!! now i can write you a novel on the bad things!!!!! lol

  4. ok.. Bush has done a great job as president.. forget you. He put us in war, you think thats bad? think again. what got us our freedom? dont you feel bad for those in iraq who were being killed and hurt by that creep. and u think any democrat could have gotten us through 9/11??? yea right. so all im saying is THINK AGAIN when bad mouthing Bush. Has done a wonderful job for this country and putting up with ppl like u who have no clue wut their talking about!!!! Go Bush!!!!

  5. ALL you democrats out there that say when Clinton was in office our economy was great but now its terrible cause of Bush open ur fucking eyes. When Clinto was in office he had a majority republican senate and house. Nothing would get passed that he wanted.Thats the only reason that everyone thinks Clinton did a great job when he didnt do shit. Everthing bad happened when bush is in office but nothing in clintons time. Fuck you guys bush is a great president for handling all this pressure.

  6. The posts here that support Bush are ridiculous

    Oh yea…we are so much safer because he is office
    Bullshit…our borders are wide fucking open and any terrorist could still walk across Canada or Mexico’s border with a suitcase nuke. If the man was so concerned about security, weeks after 9/11, they would have shut down the borders then, instead of this idiotic immigration issue now. They just politicize things when it suits their purpose.

    Second, putting us into a war in Iraq when the nation had zero link to 9/11, and then try to link that nation to 9/11 is dispicible. Bin Laden, the person who was responsible for 9/11 is still alive and now there are even more people in the world that hate us because of his actions. All he has done is made more enemies for us and made our country weaker. That is the most un-American thing ever.

    Lastly, the worst of all it is that he claims to use God as a guide for his decisions. I don’t know of any God that would be happy about:
    1)The people killed in Katrina because of incompetence

    2)The all the people killed or injured in the Iraq war, including the women and children massacred by our own troops.

    3)The treatment of the poor and middle class in this country while the rich get tax breaks so they just get richer. Something about a rich man getting into heaven…I think Jesus had something to say about that.

    4)Destruction of this planet from global warming…something our government would even acknowledge. I think God might be against this one since he created the world/universe. Something in the bible again about being good stewards…

    Whatever…the point is this. The man and his administration are responsible for death and destruction, and they use God’s name while they do it. There is not a greater sin, and there is a special place in hell for all of them

  7. i dont believe bush is another hitler i jsut believe he is not right for this job. i mean i honestly believe he is trying to save his own ass before for saving ours

  8. i thank george would like to be another hitler. he is just not smart enough. he dont care about our ass. he dont have enough since to worry about his owne ass. he is like nixon. he dont thank can be. touched. he thinks he is above the law. he has killed over 3000 of our kids in a war that he started . for no reason. i wish he had choked to death on that pretzel. we would all be better off. america will not survive george w bush. it is allready too late. only god can save america now. i hope and pray he does.

  9. going to aphganestan was ok because of 9/11 but to take it 1 step farther and going into irac and iran. Trying to stop people from (warring)is kind of stupid consertering the fact that they have been (warring)for over thousands of years. We really think that we can actully stop it? its there way of life. Some of them… Do you actully think they are going to lay down there arms because the usa told them to? And we give food out ungaurded(not saying we shouldnt) but a few days later some war lord takes it. The supplys everything. Any one agree with me? >Hillhulk<

  10. to hillhulk.. it’s Afghanistan.. claude, just too many SIMPLE spelling mistakes to fix..
    what I’m getting at is the average American wouldn’t know their asshole from their breakfast. America is the worlds largest 3rd world country – when taking into consideration the homelessness, poverty and general illiteracy.
    In four years, the United States has spent close to $500 billion on the war in Iraq. Do you not think this money would have been better spent on educating, clothing and feeding it’s people?

    Yes, 9/11 was an atrocity but it was not a free ticket to go out and invade other nations. The 1st retaliation (heading into Afghanistan)was completely understandable – your country was invaded a most horrific way.. But HERE is where things should have stopped.

    Because Mr.Bush did not get the results he was looking for, he decided to keep his troops in the general region. He used the premise of democracy to continue invading middle eastern nations. This invasion was for one thing and one thing alone.. To get oil for cheaper prices. Now with the price of oil hitting world highs, we can now see that Mr. Bush has done nothing my make a fool of himself and his country.
    $500 BILLION, MR BUSH……FOR FUEL! Why didn’t you spend it on your own people?

  11. (Hillhulk) to mike: I do agree with you in most respects. However I do believe that the USA is going down the tubes but not to the point of a third world country “yet” It is also still the home of the free. Here the little guy has a chance. In other places the little guy won’t get a chance… That said I also do think that we “Americans” should try to start paying that HUGE debt over are head… I also think that this county is full of corruption yes. BUT I also Know there is still hope… P.S. Mike when I first wrote on here I was half dead from sleep deprivation. So I am very sorry about any spelling errors I made. I will try to remember to check my spelling better. P.P.S. I do like others input.

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