Why I hate George W. Bush

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on August 25, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Alright, you asked for it. I’ll try to keep my wits about me, though the emotional base upon which this argument is built is quite tumultuous.

Why would I say that I “hate” George W. Bush? Isn’t that a little strong? Isn’t he just your average politician? Isn’t this just some natural extension of your overall left-leaning political views?

No, not really.


…the final mark of disrespect… the gut-level intuition that leads me to label him an EVIL man, rather than a merely despicable one is his casual contempt for human life. There aren’t words to describe the horror I feel when I see Bush look into the nation’s television cameras with that sadistic little smirk and tell us euphemistically, as if half-choking on a stifled snort that our enemies… “let’s put it this way: they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies.”


When I look at George W. Bush, I don’t see a patriot. I see a lying, psychopathic narcissist. And it pains me, it grieves me, it WOUNDS me to realize that this puts me not only in the minority… but in the “whacko fringe.”

— ‘Geoff’, Why I hate George W. Bush (via Len)

313 thoughts on “Why I hate George W. Bush”

  1. Speaking of Bush, I thought you guys would like a few jokes i found on the net earlier. These could be added to the bush resume, who knows he may even take these as a complement -the man is that dumb.

    How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a lightbulb?

    The Answer is SEVEN:

    1. one to deny that a lightbulb needs to be replaced

    2. one to attack and question the patriotism of anyone who has questions about the lightbulb,

    3. one to blame the previous administration for the need of a new lightbulb,

    4. one to arrange the invasion of a country rumored to have a secret stockpile of lightbulbs,

    5. one to get together with Vice President Cheney and figure out how to pay Halliburton Industries one million dollars for a lightbulb,

    6. one to arrange a photo-op session showing Bush changing the lightbulb while dressed in a flight suit and wrapped in an American flag,

    7. and finally one to explain to Bush the difference between screwing a lightbulb and screwing the country


    Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up — fireman, policeman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, etc.

    David was being uncharacteristically quiet, so the teacher asked him about his father.

    “My father’s an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer’s really good, he’ll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money.

    The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and took little David aside to ask him, “Is that really true about your father?”

    “No,” said David, “He works for the Bush administration, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids”.


    Bush Haiku

    This is a short poem made up entirely of actual quotations from George W. Bush. Washington Post writer, Richard Thompson, has arranged these, only for aesthetic purposes. A wonderful Haiku poem like this is too good not to share.


    I think we all agree, the past is over.
    This is still a dangerous world.
    It’s a world of madmen and uncertainty
    And potential mental losses.

    Rarely is the question asked
    Is our children learning?
    Will the highways of the Internet
    Become more few?

    How many hands have I shaked?
    They misunderestimate me.
    I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.

    I know that the human being
    And the fish can coexist.
    Families is where our nation finds hope,
    Where our wings take dream.

    Put food on your family!
    Knock down the tollbooth!
    Vulcanize society!
    Make the pie higher!
    Make the pie higher!


  2. I’m doing a project on how much I hate George Bush right now, and this website was a lot of help. Although I am too young to vote, I will do what I can to get him out of office. It’s nice to see that so many people see through GW’s lies and bullshit.

  3. some links from counterpunch and other sites for anyone interested

    comparison:Bush, Bin Laden, Sharon:


    political uses of god:


    Bush dry drunk syndrome:


    Bill- I looked for the story I was alluding to in my post but stopped around the two hour mark (Counterpunch keeps a huge archives of the stories it prints, but every story from 1999 – present is in there) so if you are still interested in this story I would check there. I beleive that the story was printed in 2002 or 2003. If not I find all of the above stories to be excellent critiques of bush’s mind set.

  4. I’ve started reading the second article you posted and it looks good. Gota go though, finishing my exams on Monday – and this precious time i do have now, on a sunny friday afternoon, is going to be spent on excessive alcholic consumption.

    Much as i would like to post my view when drunk, i think i might find – as i usually do – i’ll do something that i couldn’t believe i did.

    Time to get ‘hammered’ – as we say here in Britain…

  5. I hate Bush so much! I never had signed up to vote, I thought I’d end up disliking any president anyway, so why vote, but recently I changed my mind. I fucking hate Bush so much that I registered to vote just so I could vote against him!

  6. What do i think about George W. Bush (AKA- Dubya) he he he…where do i begin…shall i start with all of his lies to the entire United States Citizens…or maybe i should i begin with how he is connected with Saddam Houssain and Osama Bin Laddans Family…Sounds like we got a great President here. Ok.. WTF was he thinking when declaring war on iraq??? they didnt even have weapons of mass destruction, which president Dubya assured us they did, wow, what a fucking dumbass. Go back to your ranch in texas and have sex with a few cattle, and stay away from the oval office, which i have heard mooing late into the night, hint,hint. Also, he never would have the chance to screw america if it wasnt for his pussy ass brother who is governer of florida, and did u know that thousands of votes for Gore are laying in the river? And all those votes came from blacks in florida, hmmmmm? Die Biatch! whoops, lost control there. wow, what a racist queef sucking hick! and also maybe u heard about his pref. towards gays? he tried to totally ban it? now does that seem fair? i do respect him though, it does take guts to be the first illiterate, female president!

  7. you people dont know a thing about the U.S. government or what george bush does, do your research and youll find out that he may not be the best economic president but he has certainly been the best military president, do your research and find out how long it took other presidents to fan out a full scale war and finish it. the fact is right now its basically over weve found saddam captured his head men and are restoring peace to the innocent people of iraq.

  8. I think you should watch the news more often…

    First of all if you think being a good military president is enough to be a good president you are wrong. Ask the thousands of people without benefits, on minimum wage or unemployed what they think is more important. You people have the biggest deficit ever right now, an economy that’s only upheld by huge government spending (which one day will have to be cut back due to the deficit) and exports and a Dollar that is almost in free-fall against the Euro (which is not particularly a sign of a “strong” economy). Bush might tell you otherwise but America can’t keep this up another four years without having a HUGE backlash in it’s economy. Even if Kerry does all the right things to help the economy and balance the budget America will have a hard time economically.
    And know that without a strong economy you can’t keep up a strong military. Look at Napoleon, the biggest military power of Europe… but he could only do that because he had to money to support it. Look what happened to him when he got a bit too greedy

    Second of all you have a president who make America an Island in foreign politics… He’s alienated long time partners like France, Germany; offended the entire Muslim world and is fucking up the middle east with his Israel policy… so he can’t be called a good Foreign Affairs president either. Not to mention that he made the U.N. weaker then ever.

    Third… I thing his “glorious victory” isn’t that glorious after all…. I doubt the fact that he “finished” that war… I think the war has just started. It’s been over a year and he has yet to establish security, safety and a democratic government in Iraq, And it’s obvious he isn’t succeeding in that on his own, now he is pleading for the U.N to come help him out. Besides… I don’t find invading Iraq that big a deal. Here is a country that came out of a long standing war with it’s neighbor Iran, got bombed to the stone age by america, then had over 10 years of UN sanctions opposed, got bombed again and then finally got invaded by a force 200 times more powerful. It’s like a sumo wrestling team bullying a kindergarden class out of their lunch money. Not THAT impressive… keeping the peace… nog THAT would have been impressive

    Just my humble opinion

  9. I have many comments on the way Bush runs our country that lying back stabbing son of a bitch. I have registered to vote just to get his dumb ass out of office. He never deserved to be their in the first place. In my opinion we were almost out of debt he put us futher in debt then we’ve ever been. He has also put us in a war that never had to be. Ya I mean there are reasons that he could have done it but he did it all for the wrong reasons all together. We had so many people die over there that its not even funny. Then to top it off when he did send over our troops they didn’t only kill parent’s but they killed children we’re talking about kids that aren’t even 2 years old say’s my sorces (that must not reveal). If Bush is relected he might as well resign cause he will not make it in there for very long, before he’s wishing that he was no longer there. I know more about this issue then what I have just stated and if any thing that important comes up, I will for a fact inform you of my new information containing that back stabbing fucker that Bush is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. David, without ranting or getting hysterical, let me offer you a few questions to ask yourself concerning Iraq and the war on terror. First, what was our motivation for entering the war? We were first told that saddam had WMD and a nuclear program, then when this dissolved it became about Democracy, and freedom for Iraq. Is the risky bussiness of trying to set up a democracy in an impoverished and politically unstable area worth the lives that it has and will continue to take? Secondly we have heard much about how Iraq was tied to al-queda thus making it a ligitimate theatre of the war on terror, however it looks increasingly like Dick Cheney is the only one who is able to see them. The bipartisan 9/11 comission has not upheld these links. If infact these links do exist then why are they so hotly debated years after the fact, and why can’t satisfactory proof be found to support them if the do exist? Finally, if nearly half of the population (some polls have even shown upwards of of 50%) is still not convinced that the war in iraq was a good idea, then was it really worth deverting the resources from the war on terrorism, which pretty much everyone can agree is a good idea? What i see from your post is a limited sense of the issue as it stands. You simply assert that the president has handled Iraq well apparently on the grounds that you see the war as being over and being short. You fail to ask if it was worth it, or if we are now any safer than we were before (and with terror warnings floating around based on three year old information this would be a tough assertion to support). It seems to me that most of the people who post on this site are getting at this issue in particular when they talk about the war in Iraq. When you feel as I do that we had no bussiness in Iraq in the first place, then the presidents handiling of the war becomes pertinent only as basis to calculate the damages of a horrible and bloody mistake.

    ps, I welcome any rebuttal that you or anyone else can furnish

  11. I would love to argue all day with Bush supporters, but frankly I’ve grown tired of it. I believe that Bush could bankrupt the country, start World War III and exterminate a whole race of people, and Bush supporters would still think he’s the best thing since sliced bread. Truth is, Bush Sucks, big time. My hate for this evil bastard is about as deep as the conservatives contempt for Clinton. And for some more truth…the whole Iraq war is a bunch of made up shit. There was no WMD there, please don’t argue this anymore. Second, Saddam Hussein was an evil piece of shit, but it did not stop Dick cheney and Haliburton from doing business with Iraq in the 1980’s. And if human rights was a reason for going to war, why stop now? Where was the intervention in Rwanda, Chile, Angola..etc. Our concern for other’s welfare is a feel good thing. But in reality, the preservation of human rights is a sidebar to other motives such as economic gain. Especially when there is nice supply of oil and a great opportunity for no bid contracts for reconstruction (Haliburton, Brown Root Kellogg, Bechtel). So, Bush Lovers, spare me the WMD, Saddam was evil shtick..it’s old and ya know it. The whole thing, when you really look at it, boils down to a few folks at the top making a Big Buck.
    As for Bush being a Christian, hmm..whatever. Paint yourself a Christian and you can have all the votes down south and parts of the west. Somebody tell me something Bush has done that is remotely Christ like.
    Before I get flamed by a bush loving retard, know this: I served in the US Army for four years, graduated college, have a full time job. Oh yeah, I love the US, and I’m not a communist or a liberal…so hard to stereotype me I guess. But since I disagree with our moron commander in chief, I guess that makes me un American.

  12. I never realized how many people can be controlled by fear. This GWB is the worst thing to ever happen to the USA.

  13. Every single post in here is so dumb. All I’ve seen is “I hate Bush because hes a stupid retard” Does anybody actually have some real resons for hating bush? There is not one thing he should of done differently.

    Bush Is Awesome!!!!!!

    (goodness people get a life!)

  14. Katy- here is a short list of reasons I dont like bush that have nothing to do with his intellegence or lack there of.
    1)He squandered the unique sense of unity (national, as well as a sense of sympathy from the world at large) that followed 9/11 with divisive policy and hawkish “your either with us or against us” sentiment
    2)He did a botch job on afghanistan- cutting and running after a very short reconstruction and now warlords control much of the afghan countryside as a result.
    3)After afghanistan Bush rushed to Iraq on a contrivesial case made from dubious intellegence. though his case did not sell well amongst our allies, Bush attacked anyway only to find the WMD absent and a hightened sense of antipathy from the world communtiy.
    4) he was deluded enough to beleive that the reconstruction of Iraq would be a trivial matter, and as a result the reconstruction became a disaster (this is the reason George H.W. Bush stopped at the border of Iraq in desert storm)
    5) Bush has presided over a sluggish economy and booming deficite. While his influence for the economy is debatable the roll of his tax cuts (which disproportionatly benefit the top 2% of americans) in the $450 billion deficite is not.
    6)Bush vacationed the full month leading up to 9/11 disregarding info that could have prevented the attack
    7)Bush has done everything in his power to roll back pollution controls, including raising the allowable levels for mercury emissions (mercury is deadly poisonous and especially dangerous to children)
    8)Bush hides behind Christianity while blatantly disregarding the golden rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
    9)Bush put an end to creation of new stem cell lines which provide valuable prospects new medical technology such as the ability to grow organs in a laboratory that would eliminate the need for organ donors. This is the moralism of a man who as governer presided over more executions than any other in the history of his state (and i beleive the nation at large).

    While one could easily come to the conclusion that Bush is stupid or amoral based on the assertions I have just made, my judgements about bush come from assertions such as this and not secondary conclusions. Its just more fun to rant about bush being an imbecile. If you would like to argue any of these points with me I welcome it, however be warned; I am very well informed.

  15. Hello everyone

    Id just like to make some points.

    Why is America OK with another rich white male president?

    Why is America OK with a man whose father was president and whose brother is the governor of florida?
    Sounds like royalty to me

    Is it unreasonable to think that John Kerry (or probably several million relatively intelligent americans) could do at least an adequate job in this apparent “war on terror”?
    What makes Bush so special?
    Is it the fact that he was a lousy student & failed business man?
    Does anyone really think he should be trusted to make any decisions?

    Why is everyone so enamored with Bush’s apparent “down to earth, working man appeal”?
    He’s never been in a position where he’s worried about money in his entire life.

    Why is America OK with a two party system where the essence of either side’s argument is how much the other side sucks?

    Is it OK that so many children are getting left behind?

    Is homelessness OK?

    Why is the deficit so large?

    Why do you think everyone in the world hates us so much?

    There’s really too much to put down here, but I think what I’m trying to say is this:

    Christians are fake.
    Capitalism is terrible.
    George W. Bush is a bad president.
    America has no hope.
    A vote for Bush is the vote of fear and the oppression of others.
    Wait for a big I told you so in about 4 years.

  16. You and your pink people are the reason I pray ( and I’m not even friggin religious!) George Bush “steals” this election too.. or maybe you want to be boinked hard in yor butt by kerry the french and the U.N. a non-vote for bush is a vote for the U.N that is some scary shit wake up. Bush is the only President who has enough guts to run this country and face the fundamentally morally ideologically WRONG in the world and win..do you really not understand the reasons we are finally at the fore front of this war with muslim extremism? are you that incoherent and blind that you think the reason we are at war with extremism is merely because we are at war? No we are at war with this monster because of the very liberties we HAVE not the ones we dont. you people talk this talk of The president taking away civil liberties.. wanna know which civli liberties i feel robbed of? the civil liverty of getting on a plane and flyint to california without having my ass blown up because a typhoon muslim extremists view my country as godless because of the homosexuality, divorce rate, child molestation numbers, girls and boys being raped, in this country. The fact that i own a home is considered godless to these people wake up. Spain had the best economy it has had in the last 100 years and these monsters blow up a train and its back to starving socialist party bullshit….
    comical.. is all I have to say about your essay.. typical left wing generalization spewed out of from the dark underbelly of the MTV monster…. way to go!.

    god please save my country from these idiots!! LMAO

  17. ARE you asking or are you telling? because those question marks look very inviting ……

    Hello everyone

    Id just like to make some points.

    Why is America OK with another rich white male president?……Because nobody cares how much money anyone has anymore? ……IF kerry got in maybe he can buy some phone cards for soldiers with his billions!!!

    Why is America OK with a man whose father was president and whose brother is the governor of florida? …..Maybe because they are elected and people like them!
    “Sounds like royalty to me”…… well its not. its called democracy

    Is it unreasonable to think that John Kerry (or probably several million relatively intelligent americans) could do at least an adequate job in this apparent “war on terror”?… OH GOD YES VERY UNRESONABLE TO THINK THAT A MAN WHO DOESNT KNOW WHETHER TO WIND HIS ASS OR SCRATCH HIS WATCH ON THE ISSUE SHOULD TAKE IT OVER.. most unreasonable…
    What makes Bush so special? …. Hes adorable.
    Is it the fact that he was a lousy student & failed business man?… nope hes cute
    Does anyone really think he should be trusted to make any decisions?… raises hand he has done extremely well thus far… except on immigration amnesty which i will try my hardest to understand but other than that….yea i like him.

    Why is everyone so enamored with Bush’s apparent “down to earth, working man appeal”? ….Because he is real and approchable and tells it like it is, and becuase before PBush we were all lead to believe we as a nation only had a problem with the environment and where to hide our illegal cuban cigars….
    He’s never been in a position where he’s worried about money in his entire life. …..so what? …I’ ve never had a problem with getting on an airplane until 911 which btw is the lefts “lets appease other nations and try not to offend anyones religion or civil liberties” fault.

    Why is America OK with a two party system where the essence of either side’s argument is how much the other side sucks? …I have a bitg problem with it BUT the other side sucks so much more than PBush im praying Bush can win oh btw.. polls show he is..WHEW!

    Is it OK that so many children are getting left behind? ….YES because the fundamental mess clinton left of the edcucation system for eight years after pandering to the black vote on that very issue will take years to fix..120% increase on ed by republicans sice that admin is a friggin good start POOR KIDS goo thing they have PBush to help them out..

    Is homelessness OK?… what do you think? of course not.

    Why is the deficit so large? …because we are at war. let me ask you this why is it so large when he supposedly had this HUGE surplus?

    Why do you think everyone in the world hates us so much?….because we are at war. nobody likes the idea of war.its uncomfortable for people.. but don’t worry they will eventually see the light and the wont hate us so much..

    There’s really too much to put down here, but I think what I’m trying to say is this:

    Christians are fake…. probably….. religion what ever denomination is a brainwashing facade…..
    Capitalism is terrible. NO not really and it you think so move to Bangalore or N korea with Micheal Moore and try to maintain your comfy weight.
    George W. Bush is a bad president. no hes really not. but I guess its the “COOL” thing to say now..
    America has no hope. I have more hope now that ever its not just about america anymore.
    A vote for Bush is the vote of fear and the oppression of others….. OPPRESION!?!?!?! LMAO your reaching here sweety
    Wait for a big I told you so in about 4 years.
    ……yeah I told you that you people would begin to see the light where they are all wrong about being apologists for terrorism.

  18. No time for a big response to this nonsense right now but just one point…
    If George Bush really tells it like it is the why dont you ask him where he was in 1972?
    or Why are we in Iraq? After the WMD thing dissolved it all became about this bringing democracy to an oppressed country bullshit.
    More later.

  19. as if you even have a substantial response….. judging by and reading the remarks you have previously posted I can guarantee you that you do not have anything substantial to say or worthy of my reading it for that matter.

  20. As if you would know… I am a senior in college and have better things to do than to sit around all the time arguing with an imbecile who defends bush… Because he is cute and the UN is evil? I hope you realize that i am lowering myself by dignifying this shit with a response in the first place. If you have any actual points or responses why dont you make them and stop insulting my intelegence. If you knew anything about history you might realize that the UN came about as a means to prevent future world wars after the close of WW2. People realized that WW3 could destroy the World and wanted to show some actual cooperation to prevent that. Now arrogant shitheads like Bush are degrading that in favor of this American Supremacy bullshit which you seem to love. The bottom line is that after 9/11 we could have used the UN to help us fight terrorism but Bush squandered that option with Iraq. He is now loosing the war on terrorism as 2003 saw the largest number of terrorist attacks ever recorded. Do you ever even read the news paper? or is all your info streight from rush limbaugh? As for the diminsished surplus you yourself point out that a great deal of the money is going into Iraq. That being the case what kind of sense does it make to enstate major tax cuts? Reagan also tried tax cutting as a means to stimulate the economy, however he was forced to repeal them when the deficite started booming. Bush will not do this and seeks to make them permenant. In the case of education the no child left behind act is failing because it is underfunded and so the standards are raised on schools who have no aid to help them improve. This once again goes back to the tax cut, liberal presidents used to get flack for being “tax and spend presidents” bush is a big spender, however his privelaged life leads him to beleive that money is not a reality and his daddy will bail him out when he’s fucked up this bussiness venture. Thus he spends money he hasnt even got. As Iraq is conserned neither you nor the administration has furnished a reason for being there worth 1000 soldiers lives, and if you actually believe this “Exporting Democracy” bullshit then answer me this, why did we pick Iraq? Iran, North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, and many others have dictators guilty of human rights violations; Iran and Saudi Arabia both have ties to the 9/11 operations and al-Queda. North Korea has been largely ignored by the administration, and this country has the capacity to produce nuclear weapons, they also need money. I would love to see the look on your face when the city your beloved house is in is vaporized by a nuke that al-Queda bought from North Korea while Bush was busy democratizing Iraq. Maybe that is an “I told you so” you should worry about. As for your claims that I will see the light when things are all better and bush has made it that way. I however am not worried because no actual FACTS point to world affairs proceding in that direction. Finally here is a list of points you passivly dissed but couldnt bring yourself to respond to. Maybe they are “beneath you” or maybe you are just not up to making a counter argument.

    1)He squandered the unique sense of unity (national, as well as a sense of sympathy from the world at large) that followed 9/11 with divisive policy and hawkish “your either with us or against us” sentiment
    2)He did a botch job on afghanistan- cutting and running after a very short reconstruction and now warlords control much of the afghan countryside as a result.
    6)Bush vacationed the full month leading up to 9/11 disregarding info that could have prevented the attack
    7)Bush has done everything in his power to roll back pollution controls, including raising the allowable levels for mercury emissions (mercury is deadly poisonous and especially dangerous to children)
    9)Bush put an end to creation of new stem cell lines which provide valuable prospects new medical technology such as the ability to grow organs in a laboratory that would eliminate the need for organ donors. This is the moralism of a man who as governer presided over more executions than any other in the history of his state (and i beleive the nation at large).

  21. Hey, sorry about the second post which is identical to the first, i was the either the website or my computer was behaving abnormally and I didnt know that the first got posted.

  22. Hmm… Your late dorian, No more trite personal attacks about how superior you are to me? Or is it that you are busy trying to figure out how to paste a sound bite into the comments box at this site?

  23. Why I hate George Bush so much:
    He lies to us. However I’m not sure why he lies and I really have not have had enough time to find out if he really is lying or not. So tuff to figure out, being an outsider.
    That smirky sniffly smile thing. If I was like that I would just quite being like that. What a turn off. I’m so glad I’m not like that.
    No WMD. God knows this is the biggest scam of the century. I hope they never find those WMD that Saddam used on his own people. Everybody knows that we did’nt need to invade Iraq, Saddam would have never used WMD if we would just have left him alone.
    Stupid Bush, no wonder our economy sucks. However, it seems just like when Clinton was in office, but it could be better if Bush was back on his ranch. 9/11 and corporate scandel was all part of Bush’s plan to torment our economy so that a few of his buddies could get rich. That’s right.
    People are dying while Bush is lying. We need someone to tell us the truth and prevent all this needless killing of innocent people. No more passiveness or capitulation to evil people. We need more eonomic sanctions. Maybe if we give them money to build electric plants and hospitals they will stop killing innocent people.
    Rich Bush and his Daddy. I hate the rich and I hope I never get to be like them. However, I don’t hate money, I wish I had a lot of it. In fact, if I had a brain that could invent something really neat and make me a lot of money I would be a happy person. And so would everyone that I gave a job to that worked for me. But I still hate rich people. I would’nt hate myself though if I was rich. Because I would’nt be like those other rich people. Heinz Catsup is my favorite though. Kerry is not rich like Bush, I think. He’s not very rich, I think. I like Heinz catsup though.

  24. I can now see that during the months I’ve been away, the opinions expressed here by many individuals have not exactly changed for the best; rather, in my opinion, they have increased in stupidity and in quantity. For the love of God people! I was unaware anyone here could actually be so stupid as to admit electing a president based entirely on the fact that he’s cute. Cute?!!

    Pardon the forthcoming insult, but it beats me how someone could actually be so dreadfully shallow and at the same time have the resolve to surf onto this site – which was started, for all intents and purposes, to discuss politics in a rational and sensible manner – and give mouth to their ridiculous views. In my honest opinion, a person of that clear maturity should be banned from voting (it’s a thought ;-) or at least admit to the fact that they have neither the slightest clue about contemporary politics, nor the ability to discuss it in a place like this.

    Oh, and keep up the good work Hurin. I see you’re doing a fine job of smashing the little respect that remains of the Republican Party. I suggest you go to politicalcrossfire.com for a more, hmmm, mature debate and a more, hmmm, mature opponent.

  25. Thanks for the tip Bill, I may have to check that out someday soon. As you mentioned there really are no more Republicans capable of any kind of extended rational argument dropping in at this site anymore, and I am getting rather sick of the dorian types who drop a few bizzare and illogical areguments (I was also quite disturbed by the “Bush is cute” argument) insult my intelegence without telling me why they think I am wrong and then leave. As the election approaches (less than three weeks) i can only hope that Idiots like that are not in the majority at the polling places in my country come Nov. 2. Well thanks again, and best of luck with your neo-con policy bashings.

  26. I hate George Bush because he is a fucking peice of shit moron, who can’t realize that he is being manipulated by his fascist Administration.

  27. Why do I hate Bush? Where do I start? Okay, in no particular order…..I hate the way he behaves like he’s reading from a comic book. “Axis of evil”. “Evil doers”. “That guy tried to kill my daddy”. What grown man says that? His actions, in my opinion leave many feeling excluded. When he addressed the group of well-to-do folks telling them they were the “Have and have mores. You are my base”. They way he pounds his faith on us. Not all Americans are of the same faith. He is forgetting about separation of church and state. When he ran for Governor against Ann Richards who appointed maybe 4 known gays in hundreds of appointments – suddenly flyers were put under windshield wipers of parked cars in church parking lots with scare tactics about homosexuals being placed in high positions. In addition, his campaign was very successful in convincing everyone crime in Texas was going up when in fact it was going down – smear campaign worked. He beat out Richards. I felt many similar things happened in the 2004 election. For instance, I’ve found things on factcheck.com that state that the Bush campaign gave out ridiculous, unbased charges in regards to Kerry and his tax voting history. Many believed the accusations even though Bush campaign later admitted faulty statements. Also in this election, in my opinion, the homophobia angle was again used. Rove is the strategist again using what worked for him in the past. They used the evangelical vote and fears about gays and gay marriage. I’ve read many got calls stating Kerry was in favor of gay marriage although he is not. The things I am hearing from Bush voters is scary! So much religion and so much gay bashing and how Bush is going to set things right. I see the guy from 700 club endorsing Bush saying Bush would advance their goals. Robertson(?) from the 700 Club put up an 800 republican number for people to call into. I think there is a real danger for the church to play so much of a role in our government and for govt. to get their agenda from church. He talks about less government, but then why would I want less government, but a government that teaches me “morals”. I don’t need Bush who didn’t quit drinking till after FORTY to tell me how to live. Nor do I need the ticket of THREE DUIs to tell me how to live. I read that Loyalty Oaths were required from people before they could hear him speak. If you were not willing to give out all your personal info., sign a pledge of allegiance to him and allow your name to be used declaring support, then you could not hear him speak. So, you either agree with him or you do not get in. People have a right to hear the govt. reps talk about the issues without having to sign oaths beforehand. I think his administration is encouraging bigoted views and trying to lead us into the wrong direction when it comes to civil liberties. Hear enough yet? I haven’t even started on the issue of Iraq, but I’m tired of typing!

  28. Well here we are, the election has come and gone and the unthinkable realized. The majority seems to have upheld MaBus Bush and his gang of thugs. Ah america… Land of the stupid home of the depraved. I beleive that this will be my last post on this site, I no longer have time and, I no longer feel it matters that much. Either our country will survive for more years of a retard leader backed by antichrists, or we wont, and either way I have better things to do than spend what may turn out to be the last years of my life lecturing republican nincompoops. If you were stupid enough to vote for that motherfucking pseudo moralist pseudo christian pseudo leader than please do us all a favor and join the army or marines. Iraq is a shit hole because of people like you, and if you are willing to uphold a leader who would make such a mess, you deserve to help clean it up. Please help us repel the ranks of Al-Queda and affiliate organizations, that have grown under bush’s foreign policy, because this is YOUR presidents fault. You have made your fire now go and burn in it. Do it because neither the UN or Nato will. Do it because we no longer have allies willing to give us more than symbolic contributions of troops. Do it because the world and the country are now being gutted by that texas crackhead you would call a president. And finally do it because you symbolize everything wrong with america, everything that caused it to mutate from a country that i knew and loved to an unrecognizable theocratic home of the flag-wrapped antichrist, and the FEWER there are of you the BETTER. You have made this country what it is. Now go be a the patriot that Bush never was and DIE FOR IT!!!

  29. actually, I like Bush. Most of you sound like babies.

    I own my own company. I create jobs for employees who have families, homes dreams, and incidentally pay taxes. Yes I think the world is an unfair place as it has always been. But There will always be those who react to their situation and those who are do nothing. if any of you can say the same… touche.

    I guess that’s what being a republican is all about.

  30. I’m almost as angry at the stupidity of my fellow countrymen as I am at Bush. I can’t believe how many people believe Iraq was responsable for the World Trade Center. People forgot that Bush sold the war on womd’s and a terrorist threat. Now these same idiots that bought that are saying we are over there to liberate the Iragi’s from Saddam. Are they that easily swayed by the media. Speaking of wich why are they trying to shut down public broadcasting. Is it because the truth is a little frighting. I found that people are so ashamed they were fooled that won’t say the war is a bad idea even now. Maybe they really have forgoten and believe the lies.

  31. welcome to facist america, well the first amendment,lets throw that out the window. lets get rid of the constitution altogether. Or and here is irony, lets leave it open to “interpretation” much like the bible and the two shall become as one in this most sacriligious of marriages to go forth and proliferate W.M.D.s, that do not exist. For God said let there be life. Poof.

    He is not my president.

    Or and here is irony lets leave it open to “interpretation” much like the bible and the two shall become as one in this most sacrilegious of marriages to go forth and proliferate W.M.D’s,that do not exist. For god said let there be life. poof.

  32. hi,

    At first, i want to apologize if i make any mistake, cause english isn’t my mother language, i live in Belgium. I don’t really want to say anything about the political situation in the usa, because, at first i don’t live in america, and secondly, i don’t know enough about it to have strong and founded arguments. What i can say, is that i’ve been really surprised when i read the comments. Surprised, because, here in europe, we tend to have a really bad image of the american people because of gwb’s political actions, especially the war in irak. Every single educated person is ‘against’ america. And, i don’t think we here have the right to judge u people. But, the truth is, when i look at television, i realise we are never told american people protest against gwb, american people are showed as clueless persons, defending their president, loving their nation, caring only for making money, and war, and going to church on sunday morning. So the medias really manipulate us and the thing is i’m really glad to see u people care about the political aspects of your country, that u debate, you are curious and intelligent. It is too easy to categorize american people as idiots because some of them voted bush.

    I don’t like people who don’t qualify their thoughts, i want to beleive that in anything and in anyone there’s a part of ‘good’ and a part of ‘less good’ ( i don’t like the word evil, life isn’t like an hollywood movie) and the comments i read made me realize i’m right. So go on caring for things that matter. Help me be a little proud to be human.

    Again, i’m sorry for my bad english.

  33. george w bush is the most racist twit have ever seen he trained al qaida then decided to snoob shit in there faces afterwards usa and uk should stand out of orther countrys affairs,the main reason why they want to stay in iraq the british and usa soldiers is because we want there country and having a great laugh over ethnic cleansing while at the same time.i personally accept the al qaida decision they want there own ppl in there country they dont need us racist uk folk and usa to take away there pride,so yeah bush trained the al qaida and then started making wars with them so i accept the al qaida killing uk and usa folk because we deserve it for us being ignorant to the ethnic community,simple reason why they will stop killing us is when we listen to the al qaida ,eny al qaida ppl reading this you have my understanding

  34. The man represent everything in a politician that is bad. He shows no interest in any problem but what he thinks. He reminds me of a little boy who is spoiled and has never had to work.

  35. I have a solution for the war in Iraq: bring back Saddam Hussein. We have him in custody. We could offer him a deal he couldn’t refuse: cooperate or die. We could tone him down a bit and make sure he more or less supports what we’re trying to do in Iraq. We’re not going to have any success with the current government. They’re weak and ineffective and now they want to turn Iraq into an Islamic state. This is hopeless. But with Saddam Hussein back at the helm there will be no Islamic state. Order will be restored. The US can leave. We put him there in the first place–why can’t we put him there again? PS I hate GWB too!

  36. An afterthought… To make sure Saddam gets a good start we could give him Karl Rove as political advisor. Now that’s a marriage made in heaven!

  37. they should rename the Dem party to the anti tolerance hate party. that all i hear from libs is i hata, i hate

  38. Hi DonE! I’m proudly a liberal, and we are the future. It’s incredibly amusing that you call the Democratic Party “the anti tolerance hate party.” I suppose you think that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and your Fox News buddies only speak about love and tolerance? Give me a break. Not only do they spew their venom every single day, they never tell the truth. Also, you need to learn to put a sentence together. Come on now, you’re really George W. Bush.

  39. Well.. It’s hard to believe a man that is hated by %90 of the world population could be re-elected as the president of the most powerful and respected (well, used to be respected) country in the world. It is kind of weird how these things can happen. I believe that all this time he setted up the election, even from the 2000 election.. His father’s a crackhead.. What makes him anything different.. well, if its not true and if he won the election fare and square, I hope the U.S citizens will open their eyes and see that their president is a big asshole and would not make the same mistake the third time…

  40. You are very uninformed about one thing. You are not in the minority when it comes to hating that evil and stupid man. So many people hate him, as we do, but they do nothing about it. My theory on that is what can we do? We first need to band together. But then what? What do we do? Any ideas because I would love to do something to get him out of office. I hate him more than I can convey in words!!!!

  41. You are all wrong. Fuck Democracy, fuck Anarchism, fuck Facism, fuck Nationalism, fuck Liberalism, fuck your beliefs, fuck your opinions, fuck your desicions, fuck your hate, fuck your fuck, fuck McDonalds, fuck America, fuck Al Quaida, fuck George Bush, fuck the Uno, fuck the military, fuck YOU ALL TOGETHER!! Dumb Chimps. “Everybody is willing to fuck the world with his fist and to lick his fingers clean after it!”

  42. Oh, the comment from Rob is rich:

    “FACT: difference between Democrats and Republicans is this- Democrats will always vote PARTY no matter what! Republicans will support their party, but will not vote party if they feel that their “guy” is not a good choice!”

    Posted by Rob on January 12, 2004 @ 08:12 PM

    REALLLLLYYYY???????? Is that why Republicans all vote EXACTLY the same on every bill and every issue that comes across the floor, because they are so individualistic and of independent mind?

    If there was ever a party in America that would make DAMN fine Communists, it’s the Republicans – they are literally terrified of thinking outside of the narrow dictates of each other’s narrow views.

    Narrow mindedness is what makes Bush and his followers so disgustingly ANTI-AMERICAN.

    Bush is a disgrace to America and he has contaminated this nation.

    Don’t talk to me about being Anti-American because I’m a Democrat. I’m damn proud of it!


    1. Daughter of a West Point graduate

    2. Grandaughter of an Annapolis graduate

    3. Grandaughter of a WWII Purple Heart Veteran – Navy Seal

    4. Great Grandaughter of a WWI Veteran

    5. Cousin to a Persian Gulf War Veteran

    6. Niece to a Vietnam Veteran)

  43. OMFG I cant even list the ways I hate george bush,
    only the main reason.
    he sends innocent peoples to their deaths, DAILY, the 100th british soilder died in iraq 2 weeks ago, it was all over our newspapers, with a list of the deceased. He lies, talks utter bollocks and steals from his “fellow” americans and europeans and anyone else he knows. And then ahs the nerve to wonder why so many people loath him?
    recently he said that the terrorists were losing,
    how can you be that niave?
    The terrorists wanted a war, you gave them a war, how is that winning?
    terrosts want people to die, want people to live in fear. Luckily wthey have got Bush to do that for them!
    He seriously needs to get his head out of his ass and shoot himself in the head before we ahve no coice but to do it ourselves, before he finds an easier way to kill us all, shoot us in the ends you lousy faggot!
    k8 x x

  44. To Pauls comment (third from the top), yes, how unfortunate, because in past wars we sent them on holiday and refreshment….no one died then. I understand your point. How awful is it that we sent soldiers to war where people die when we could have sent them to one where no one faces death, especially seeing as how they werent forced into the military and enlisted on their own accord and are willing to fight for our country. Not everyone is a scared pussy like you. Moran……Skipping through about 300 ignorant posts…..Ah, here’s one – BushNgenToT – No, actually 90% of the world hates America, and that is regardless of what head figure is in office. And I would like to know where you get your figures from? Perhaps Peter Jennings asshole!? It’s funny how the numbers escalate 150% before and election, but after the polls are closed the exact opposite is proven otherwise. But that is the liberal tactic. We have good ideas, but can’t get organized or really even agree on anything with ourselves, much less find a concrete political standpoint, so let’s just spend a lot of money on propaganda commercials and post a bunch of lies that ironically, will all be dropped after the election and will be the complete opposite the next time around. ……Now let’s take a look at Rochelle – “I hate him more than I can convey in words!!!!” Yes, I can tell by your post you have a limited vocabulary and don’t have much of value to say. If only we could see you, maybe you could act it out for us……….And I concur Ill Nino, fuck intellect, fuck college, fuck wisdom, knowledge and literacy, fuck planning, rudamentary common sense and motor skills!!!…….I have nothing more to say. OMG! k8. Do you understand that this is without an argument the most ridiculously low casualty number you have ever heard of considering the fact that we not only went to war but took over an entire country! God you are pathetic! Here, I will put it in Cerebral Paulsy terms for you. “War mean some people die”. Steals from the Europeans? Hahaha, okay. Your name says it all, k8. Sounds like someone just got done watching a Michael Moore movie. I hope you wrote down everything he said! Wouldn’t want to forget anything. Michael Moore is the biggest piece of human trash I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. He just happens to hate everything Republican, and some might even say everything to do with democracy. Well you know what I hate? Ignorant, fat people. Propaganda and complex editing has never known a more discusting glutton till now. I know he is not necessarily relavant to my post, but I made myself angry thinking of how dumb some people in this world really are. Oh, and to Judith, the blind belgian waffle who gets all of her information fed to her through her Daewoo television, about 8, or 16 posts from the bottom. Here is a quote from the waffle. “I don’t really want to say anything about the political situation in the usa, because, at first i don’t live in america, and secondly, i don’t know enough about it to have strong and founded arguments.”………okay then why the hell did you even leave a post!! You left a post stating that American’s look bad to Belgians!!? Who cares!? I could care less what Belgium thinks. Is Belgium going to back us up when we get attacked, or preserve our freedom for us? NO! So why don’t you just leave an write a moralistic, riviting childrens novel entitled, “The Belgian Waffle That Said Too Much”. One specifically that teaches kids at an early age not to open their mouths if only heaps of grimmacing ignorance are to be vomited.

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