Somehow until now Fred Phelps had managed to slip completely under my radar, but from what I’ve seen this evening, this man needs some serious help.
It seems that today was opening day for New York’s Harvey Milk School, a high school for GLBT teens who do not feel safe going to normal public schools. The streets outside the school were filled with demonstrators — primarily many people giving their support to the kids, because Phelps had arranged his own demonstration. Phelps and his small group of “Christians” (and I use the term very loosely here) were protesting the school and its students with signs with such warm, Christian sentiments as “God Hates Fags”, “Fags FDNY”, and “Thank God for Sept. 11” while standing on American flags.
It never ceases to amaze and sadden me the horrible things people will do in the name of Christianity.
(via the go fish)
One can always count on the compassion, love and warmth from Christian Right.
Hey Person i think i need your help! I was liked by everyone a 5 years ago.. I was the fastest learner ever.. I had over 150 grils chasing me in 6 MONTHS! Now these days thats gone I miss those good old days! About 30 girls hate me… Became a slow leaner.. Big not a role modle anymore… I keep trying to change myself its not working i’m just tired and need help … PLEASE help me get the top of my game PLEASE!