This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 8, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
(via Dori Smith — sorry for the word-for-word copy, but with four words to work with, it seemed silly to rework it)
Of course, the thing about flash mobs (at least originally) is that they were underground, unpublicised, seemingly-spontaneous events. With this particular one originating in a comic strip, being turned into reality, and then posted around the ‘net (here, Dori’s post, Blog for America, The Democratic Primary 2004 Thread, The Mediaburn Radio Weblog, Pacific Views, and probably many others), doesn’t that more or less kill much of the original spirit of the ‘flash mob’ meme?
Or maybe I’m just grumbling again.
you had to know it would happen. those Dean people are quick, although it was such a no-brainer to do that i think anyone except Bush would have run with it.
Flash mob – r.i.p. Sectember 9, 2003.
Maybe the “underground” is still underground, but it’s just getting bigger and bigger? ;o)