Dead Milkmen tour diaries

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 2, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

How very, very cool. Dean Clean, drummer for the Dead Milkmen, is posting his tour diaries from the band’s first days of touring back in 1985.

This site contains tour diary entries written by Dean ‘Clean’ Sabatino of the band The Dead Milkmen. We stopped touring back in 1994, but through the magic of modern day computer technology I can tell these stories again.


I was 23-24 years old when I wrote these diaries. I certainly wasn’t planning on publishing them when I wrote them; so reading them now either makes me laugh, cry or cringe. I will not make any claims to being a gifted writer or diarist, but the aim here is to give the reader some sense of what it was like to tour across the USA in a van with a punk rock band in the mid to late 1980’s. Some say this was the heyday of independent rock music and the college radio scene. I would bet we worked harder and played many more shows than many of today’s ‘alternative’ rock bands will play in their short-lived careers.

(via MeFi)

7 thoughts on “Dead Milkmen tour diaries”

  1. Your run in with MS made the print media in NZ at last, they managed a couple of lines in the back of the latest issue of PC World about it.

    One of my pet peeves is tab ordering, yours jumps from URL to Comments and then back to Remember, no bigee just annoying.

  2. wasn’t sure where to post this.
    This is a picture of James and Stacy’s apartment building on fire. The window on the right WAS
    James bedroom. They are okay. So is that damn cat. They haven’t been let back in to salvage
    anything yet but should be in the next couple of days. For any other information, ask me I
    guess. Just remembered James is sans computer for a while.

  3. Here’s a great picture, too. My apartment is on the left.

    Anyways, aside from being just another exciting day in Anchorage, Alaska, we’re doing okay. Currently, I am sitting in Kaladi Bros. trying desparately to figure out these iMacs (being a PC user and all). Everyone can continue e-mailing us as we get the chance to use my computer at work for access.

    The fire marshal called us and was pleased to tell us that our apartment was not the source of the fire. He couldn’t talk any further about it, but I suspect my neighbors are going to get sued because they left a burning cigarette on their back porch that happened to catch a cardboard box that was holding their ashtray. There was also a propane canister explosion. We’re not sure whether it was our mini grill or if it was the neighbors.

    It was the explosion that woke James up, but the fire was already filling our apartment with smoke and the fireman ordered him out before he could get the cat. But THE CAT SURVIVED! She is a-ok except for a bloody paw from tearing up a couple firemen.

    We still don’t know about what we are going to be able to salvage, if anything. We’re going to be taking an apartment in the same complex area and the management is going to pay for any cleaning costs and moving costs. I seriously doubt the furniture is saveable because it is nigh impossible to get heavy smoke damage out of furniture (like sofas and our beds). But we’ll just have to wait and see.

    I’ll keep everyone updated, I promise.

  4. I think this is a Sign From On High that it’s time for y’all to be warmer in the winter! Move South! Get outta the cold!

    Glad y’all are safe, even the cat. And Marc, before you complain further, remember that it’s usually YOU on the couch surfing, so take care of the old married folk. o:-)

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