Okay — I’m no great fan of either AOL or Windows-based PCs, but I have to admit that if you’re looking for a cheap computer and are willing to settle for Windows XP Home and use AOL for your ‘net connection, this isn’t a bad deal (though not quite as good as they lead you to believe on first blush).
For \$299 plus a one-year AOL subscription at \$23.90/month (for a total cost of \$585.80), you get:
- Desktop mini-tower PC with:
- 1.7Ghz Intel Celeron Processor
- 256Mb DDR RAM
- 56k modem
- 40Gb hard drive
- 52x CD-ROM
- 10/100Mb Ethernet
- Windows XP Home
- 17\” CRT monitor
- Lexmark Z605 Printer
Now, admittedly, if you are willing to settle for Windows XP and AOL, you have my pity. But I do realize that in the real world, sometimes low cost and immediate availability can take precedence over actual ease of use, lack of viruses, stable operating systems, and general peace of mind, so I figured I’d pass this along. ;)
(via Things that…)
That’s a nice deal if you want to get a computer for, say, your grandparents.
You said on thing that has casued me to ask you a question.
What would you prefer for someone who uses the web mainly
to check e mail and surf the web.
I am tired of my comuter freezing up and casueing me problems
Is there any reccomendations you can make?
Oh yeah I need CHEAP TOO!??