This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 9, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
A team of researchers at Lord of the Rings Research is going to be looking for our impressions of Peter Jackson’s films, with the questionnaire going live the day that Return of the King opens. Could be interesting…
A unique opportunity for you to record your thoughts on the final part of The Lord of the Rings. From the day the film is released, you will have the opportunity to take part in the biggest ever international research project, to find out what audiences in all countries thought of The Return of the King. What did you enjoy about it? Did anything disappoint or annoy you? Was it important to you?
(via hegemony rules)
There were parts of Return of the King that were simply breathtaking. Scenes that made it for me were the darker narrative elements, such as the orc armies leaving for battle being persued by the witch king, the paths of the dead. I also enjoyed the constant extreme wide shots, which I thought were increased in this film to that of the Fellowship and Two Towers.
Of course the battle scenes were the greatest aspects of the film, with the nazgul riders swooping down.
However, the Return of the King for me had many flaws;
The witch King did not feature enough, the organic qualities created in the books were lost in the film, the editing at the end was choppy and for me ended the film somewhat disapointingly with the decision to leave out the battle for the Shire and scenes involving Arwen slowed down the pace of the film. Nonetheless, despite all the problems I thought Return of the King was and maybe is the greatest film of all time.