Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1)

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 17, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I just noticed that Safari got updated along with today’s release of the 10.3.2 upgrade for Panther. While I’m assuming that all of the recent changes mentioned recently on Surfin’ Safari, the single most exciting improvement for me (from a UI perspective) is that we finally have tooltip support for title elements!

![Safari gets tooltips!]

[Safari gets tooltips!]: {width=”487″ height=”94″}

Update: Well, it looks like my assumption may have been wrong — after playing with some quick CSS code, we may not have gotten all of the WebCore updates (in fact, it may be that WebCore hasn’t been updated at all, and it was just the Safari UI that got the tweak). Still, much as I’d like to have the new CSS goodies, tooltips are still a good thing!

5 thoughts on “Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1)”

  1. Safari wasn’t updated with 10.3.2, which is why you haven’t seen those WebCore changes. They’re still to come. Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1) was updated by a security update a few weeks ago (not the most recent one).

    I have a G5 still at 10.3.1 and Safari is version 1.1.1 (v100.1). I also have an iBook which is running 10.3.2 and it has the exact same version of Safari.

  2. Psh. Must be a 10.3 thing… what about us first generation iBook users who are too afriad to update to 10.3? I have a feeling 10.3 would just push me over the edge. I’m already teetering uncertainly on HD space and general speed.

  3. Updated to 10.3 and my dial-up connectivity has become lousy. Safari has been rendered useless as well. I’m typing this on IE (yuk!) and searching desperately for a solution. I think it’s the webCore issue, because Mail seems to be having some issues displaying my e-mail messages. Here’s to hopin’!

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