
This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 18, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Wandering randomly through the Seattle Weblogs Portal, I stumbled across a wonderful little story. A girl and guy meet, and as they don’t live terribly close together, rather than exchanging phone numbers, they exchange blog addresses. Later on, she has some time to kill…

From reading his blog, I’ve learned my nice guy is a heavy drinking angsty insecure agoraphobic cross-dressing DJ who watches too much television, writes poetry, and wants to be a philosophy professor when he grows up. :) But he is funny, and he did quit smoking.

Reading through that took about as long as your typical first date, but I learned a lot more than I would on the typical first date, during which everyone is on their best behavior. Much more efficient.

I wonder what sort of conclusions he’s currently drawing about me. :)

I like her sense of humor — and the gentleman in question responded quite well in her comments, too.

I have to admit, though, I do think that my favorite part of the whole post may be the comment likening exchanging blog addresses to “intellectually sleeping with one another on the first date.”

Nothing wrong with a little mental nookie!

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