Blogger Code

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 29, 2004). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Last post for the night, then I’ve got to get to bed. I just wanted to toss up my blogger code:

B9 d+ t+ k+ s u f+ i o x+ e+ l c– (Decode my blogger code)

I did (kind of) cheat on one answer, though, I must admit. For the Technical Quotient (the ‘t+‘ mark), I had to choose between two possible answers:

  • I manage my blog with Greymatter, Movable Type, or other management system running on my own web host. [t+]
  • I use Blogger, BigBlogTool, or similar service to update ablogspot, Geocities, or other hosted site; or I use diaryland,livejournal, or another service with built-in updating and content management. [t-]

Technically, t- is the more correct answer, as Eclecticism is hosted and powered by TypePad, a hosted service with definite similarities to those listed. However, as TypePad is based on MovableType and I use heavily-modified templates that take advantage of many of the MT-specific tags; as I’ve used (and paid for) MovableType on earlier versions of this weblog; and as I currently have MovableType installed and running on a server here in my apartment hosting both my dad’s weblog and my friend Kirsten’s weblog (each on their own domain name), I figured I could get away with claiming the more technically-proficient t+ rating.

Other than that, it’s all entirely accurate.

(via Snowblink)

iTunes: “Zigular” by Poems for Laila from the album Another Poem for the 20th Century (1989, 3:30).