From the Seattle PI: John Kerry to speak in Seattle:
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry will be in Seattle at a free public appearance on Pier 62 tomorrow morning.
The 9:45 a.m. event is open to the public. Those who want better seating can stop by the Democratic Party campaign headquarters at 1848 Westlake Ave. N. for reserved seats. The morning event is not a fund-raiser.
Kerry, who arrives in Washington late this evening, plans to talk about the steps he would take as president to make the country energy-independent. Kerry will speak tomorrow evening at a \$1,000 a plate fund-raiser at the Westin Hotel.
If I can get my butt in gear early enough, I may wander down the hill and see if I can make it to this. Early in the morning for me, but would be good to see how Kerry presents himself, as I have to admit that he hasn’t overly impressed me in what I’ve seen so far.
iTunes: “Posthaste” by Crack Machine from the album Freak Accident (1994, 3:41).