Somehow in all of the weekend’s festivities, I’d managed to completely space that this week was the 2004 WWDC (and I call myself a Mac geek?), so coming home to start finding reports of new toys from Apple was a very pleasant surprise.
First off: their line of monitors has been updated, in a big way. And I do mean big — as in a 30\” widescreen LCD monitor. I so want one of those…and I so can’t afford it.
Secondly: a preview of Mac OS X 10.4, AKA Tiger. Wow — lots of yummylicious geek-flavored goodies in there. Most interesting to me are the metadata-centric search capabilities and Safari’s built-in RSS aggregator (which looks quite impressive). I’d be more excited about iChat’s conferencing capabilities, but I’ve got so few people on my iChat list with iSights that I have no clue if I’d ever have a chance to use it.
Really looking forward to getting my hands on some new toys to play with once they’re released!
iTunes: “Hawkmoon 269” by U2 from the album Rattle and Hum (1988, 6:22).