October Surprise on its way?

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 12, 2004). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Sean Bonner: “Imminent” Terrorist Attack?

I have a friend with a job that makes certain Police Department memos things he needs to take note of. This is the one he got this morning. I’ve known this person for a very long time and I’m vouching for it’s authenticity:

Subject: FW: Terrorist Attack on US Soil is Imminent Importance: High


At the meeting of the Southern District of the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council (ATAC) that was held yesterday in Houston, US Attorney Michael Shelby informed the group that a terrorist attack of 09/11/01 proportions was going to be carried out on US soil within the next 6 weeks.

Mr. Shelby stated that on 09/13/04, US Attorney General John Ashcroft had a conference call with all 93 US Attorneys, an event which is extremely rare.  The US Attorneys were informed that without a doubt an attack was going to be perpetrated in the US within the next 6 weeks, prior to the elections.  Mr. Shelby urgently requested that all law enforcement be aware of any situation that may be out of the ordinary and report the activity immediately.  Mr. Shelby also requested that we get the word out to patrol officers and detectives to talk to their informants and report anything odd or remotely suspicious.  Mr. Shelby ended this warning by saying that unless we get a bit of “luck” and the attack can be detected and prevented, that another attack of 9/11 scale will be carried out. 

Please disseminate to all of your law enforcement contacts ASAP.

New Mexico Investigative Support Center

Direct Line:    505-541-7000 Fax:              505-541-7006

John E. Vinson, Director

CNN: Sen. Dayton closes Capitol Hill office over terror worries

A Democratic senator said he will close his Capitol Hill office until after the November 2 election, fearing a possible terrorist attack that could harm his staff or visitors.

Sen. Mark Dayton of Minnesota issued a statement Tuesday, citing a “top-secret intelligence report on our national security” provided to congressional members by Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee.

“Based upon that information,” Dayton wrote, “I have decided to close my office in the Russell Senate Office Building until after the upcoming election.

Cheery, no? Reality, or paranoia — who can tell, these days?

(both via Boing Boing)

iTunesMay All Your Dreams Be Wonderful“ by Biafra, Jello from the album No More Cocoons (1987, 10:39).