12 Sentences

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 8, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

From ctakahara: Take the first sentence of the first post of each month for the past year and make a paragraph from it.

Seattle’s library system has been in something of a state of flux ever since I moved down here. Item 1: CBS refuses to run ‘issue advocacy’ ads from MoveOn and PETA during the SuperBowl. Congratulations Peter (and everyone else) on setting a new record for the Oscars by winning every single one of the 11 Oscars that you were nominated for. While I won’t be swapping my post order around, Monday’s discussion on weblog post order has resulted in one small change here on Eclecticism. My birthday weekend started off with this year’s Birth Day for Jason Webley, his annual “resurrection” show, this year combined with the CD release party for Only Just Beginning. If I were to move anywhere I often think it would be San Francisco. Completely on a whim tonight after getting home from work, I decided to head down to see if I could get into an opening-night showing of Spider Man 2. Just a reminder — today is the day of the Ballard Locks Photo Workshop organized in response to Ian Spiers’ experiences while photographing the Locks. My little brother and my one-month old nephew. You know, much as I’d like to get excited about the prospect of a Bloom County feature film, given Disney’s track record over the past few years (nearly anything without Pixar’s involvement is a waste of time — Pirates of the Caribbean and Lilo and Stitch are the only exceptions I can think of, and even Lilo, while enjoyable, isn’t quite up to the standards Disney used to have), the news that their first foray into 3-D animation without Pixar’s involvement will be a Bloom County film doesn’t thrill me. Sunday afternoon, Prairie and I went over to visit Prairie’s sister and her boyfriend to visit, celebrate Prairie’s birthday, and visit their new puppy, Loodie. On the off chance anyone noticed, my site (along with all other sites I host) had about two hours of downtime earlier today.

Okay, that was silly. And my lord I write some long sentences.

iTunesLet Me Entertain You” by Shakespear’s Sister from the album Hormonally Yours (1991, 5:14).