Final comment tweaks

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on February 15, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Some few final tweaks to the comments tonight, and I think I’m finally done tinkering. For now, at least. There’s always more projects coming down the line somewhere. :)

As I mentioned before, comments will now automatically turn off after 30 days. Most conversations only really continue for a day or two after a post goes up anyway, and this limits the number of entries on my site that can be targeted by comment spammers. I’ve decided to go ahead and leave TrackBacks open, however, for two reasons. Firstly, there are posts that will continue to be relevant as time goes by, so I don’t mind getting pings long after a post originally went up; and secondly, turning off TrackBack pings also removes them from the page entirely, and I’d prefer to keep them visible.

I’ve also re-installed Adam Kalsey‘s SimpleComments plugin, which integrates comments and trackbacks together. This way, rather than having all TrackBack pings listed together above the comments, there is one single chronological list that combines both.

Lastly, I’ve integrated Gravatar support, so those of you who have Gravatar icons will now see them displayed along with any comments you leave here.

iTunesSpace Food” by Tai-Fun from the album Essential Chillout (1999, 6:57).