Living in a Theocracy

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on April 5, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

How in the world can people justify going to war to free people from religious oppression, and at the same time, condone and encourage religious oppression here at home?

Here’s an outrage for you. There’s a growing movement among pharmacists and even doctors to refuse to provide legal and necessary health services.

Let’s start with pharmacists. In at least 10 states, they have refused to fill prescriptions for birth control, citing moral and religious beliefs. In so doing, they have incited a nationwide outcry by women (and their men) who rely on such basic medical services.

…Some pharmacists “just say no” to filling the prescriptions. Others don’t offer these women alternative locations where they can get them filled. A few zealous pharmacists have actually gone off the deep end and refused to return the prescriptions to the women for whom they were written. That’s obstruction — someone who is licensed by the state to provide a medical service (to wit, the pharmacist) has instead barred a customer from obtaining that service.

I’ve been seeing more and more stories about this lately, and find it absolutely outrageous. How much longer before the extreme right-wing pushes too far?

Hopefully, not much.

iTunesFlesh ‘n Blood” by Oingo Boingo from the album Best o’ Boingo (1989, 4:09).