The next logical step

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on April 14, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

First, the good news (and, for once, this is good news): federal legislation is being introduced that will protect a woman’s ability to get birth control.

Reports of pharmacists with particular religious and moral beliefs denying prescriptions for birth control have prompted legislation that would ensure all prescriptions are filled.

House and Senate backers unveiled a bill dubbed the Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act (ALPhA) on Thursday.

It would allow a pharmacist to refuse to fill a prescription only if the prescription can be passed to and filled by a co-worker at the same pharmacy.


“What have we come to in this country?” Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a New York Democrat and House sponsor of the bill, said Thursday morning at a rally on Capitol Hill. “We are merely saying, ‘let the laws in this country stand.’ Let a woman be treated with dignity. When she has a prescription from her doctor, that privacy should be respected.”

The bad news comes later on in the article, with someone applying the same ridiculous extrapolations that lead anti-gay-marriage bigots to claim that eventually we’ll be marrying our pets and children.

[Karen] Brauer told Reuters she believes doctors will eventually begin ordering women to abort disabled children, or refuse to treat them after birth.

“They’ll force women to kill their children … It will be like China. It’s the next logical step,” she told Reuters.

It’s absolutely mind-boggling to me that there are people out there who think like this — who actually believe this crap.

iTunesHurdy Gurdy Man, The” by Butthole Surfers from the album Hurdy Gurdy Man, The (1990, 4:01).