Norwescon 29 Photo Extravaganza

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on April 17, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

One or two (or three or four…hundred…) photos

Well, not only did I survive my first Norwescon (didn’t even get auctioned off, either, once some kind soul told me that I probably shouldn’t be admitting that it was my first time), but I did it camera in hand. And, since I’m a complete and total photo whore, there’s a few pictures to be seen.

Just a few.

I was only there for Friday and Saturday, but still managed to come home with almost 1,600 photos. I’ve distilled the most presentable 441 into this photoset, and I’ll spend a little time further distilling things down and putting “the best of the best” into the Norwescon group‘s photo pool.

In the meantime, though, in addition to the big monster set, I can also give a few pointers to certain themes, such as…

  • The graffiti wall. I had fun stopping by from time to time to see what additions had been made, and overheard a few people commenting that they were glad someone was documenting it.

    (The Doubletree was partially under renovation, including the hallway that housed the Norwescon office and the Hospitality rooms. Since the walls were simple unfinished temporary drywall, they became an impromptu graffiti wall. Fen…er…fun with markers!)

  • Friday night’s Stardance — specifically, the “most evil” pageant before the floor was opened up to the general public.

  • While I didn’t actually make it into the Masquerade, I did grab a good spot in the photo pool for the costume gallery photoshoot. Lots of incredible costumes!

  • The Rasputin during the Saturday Night Hoedown.

  • Star Wars vs. Star Trek: While there were Klingons and Federation representatives, there were far more Jedi, Stormtroopers and bounty hunters making their presence known. I guess that galaxy far, far away is a bit more interesting than our own (of course, given how Jabba dresses his slave girls, I can’t say that I’m surprised…)!

And those are the major themes. I had a blast, and I’m looking forward to doing it all over again next year.

(X-posted to my LJ, Norwescon, and my website.)

iTunesMajestic” by Orb, The from the album U.F. Orb (1992, 11:06).

4 thoughts on “Norwescon 29 Photo Extravaganza”

  1. Unrelated: You mentioned a while back that you hadn’t read Neuromancer and were interested. I’ve got a copy that I just finished reading, if you want me to send it along. whew Only took me 8 months.

  2. Congrats on surviving your 1st Norwescon and for posting picts so fast! I was helping out the gals in the bird costumes (swan/peacock/flamingo) and my pictures of them didn’t come out great… so I pointed them out to yours!

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