Starbuck who? Adama? I’ll stick with the Horn Rimmed Glasses…

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 6, 2007). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Old hotness: Battlestar Galactica.

New hotness: Heroes.

6 thoughts on “Starbuck who? Adama? I’ll stick with the Horn Rimmed Glasses…”

  1. Er…without Starbuck? Oops. I was just coming up with a smartass title — though I’ve been faithfully bittorrenting the episodes, I haven’t actually watched any BSG in about a month. I only have so much free time, and lately, given a choice between watching BSG or Heroes…Heroes has been winning out.

    Guess I better find some time to catch up with the BSG crew, huh? I just got so tired of the Starbuck/Apollo soap opera….

  2. I’m with Joe. Heroes is great, but Battlestar has been fantastic latel, and thankfully the Apollo-Starbuck soap opera has gone away for now.

    I’m also a couple weeks behind on my TV with no relief in sight.

  3. Towards the end of Season Two, BSG started to peter out. While Season Three is entertaining, Heroes, and even The Dresden Files are gaining priority over BSG for me.

  4. The last few episodes of Heroes have simply been fantastic. It was always one of my favorite shows – but in the last three to four episodes it’s just gone above and beyond.

    BSG started to peter out for me in season 3. It’s not that it sucks… far from it, I just got a little tired of some of the story lines… heck, at times I feel like it’s wrapping itself in mystery like LOST.

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