Links for September 23rd from 10:22 to 15:40

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 23, 2008). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Sometime between 10:22 and 15:40, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too!

  • Seattle collaborates with 22 banks and credit unions to offer services to people who have no bank accounts: The city is collaborating with 22 banks and credit unions to offer services to people who are "unbanked" — those who have no bank accounts and turn to high-cost payday lenders for their financial transactions.
  • The World, Justified: It shows the world we live in as only one of four possibilities, the others being a left-aligned, centred and right-aligned world. Our world is a justified one, i.e. aligned with both left and right margins. (via Daring Fireball)
  • Drobo Data Robot: Planning ahead. Much as we love 'em, my G5 and Prairie's iMac (iLamp) will need to be replaced someday. I'm thinking that with BluRay software support strongly rumored for OS X 10.5.6, and with the 24" iMac already sporting a full HD resolution screen, there's a strong chance that the next iMac revision will include BluRay drives. Pick up new iMacs then, transfer the two SATA drives in my G5 to a Drobo, and add the DroboShare to allow both machines to use the Drobo with TimeMachine.
  • Adventures in Flickr biking: I need to try to remember this idea. I'm planning on picking up a bike next spring/summer, and I'm wondering how easily/inexpensively I could rig up some small camera/GPS combo and mount it to the front of the bike to do something like this. Ooh, wait, the Eye-Fi Explore uses SkyHook's pseudo-GPS functionality. That'd get me pretty close pretty easly (just find a way to mount the camera to the bike). Of course, if Skyhook doesn't speed up making adjustments to their database it won't be very accurate. Still, better than nothing, I suppose.
  • New Trailer For Roddenberry’s ‘Trek Nation’ Doc Online: Gene Roddenberry’s son Rod Roddneberry has been working on a documentary about his father and Trek fandom for a few years. Over the summer TrekMovie reported that Roddenberry had hired a new editor (Emmy winner Allan Holzman) who was finally putting it all together and had created a new trailer, which is now online.
  • Neighborlogs is for neighborhood blogging: I'm looking for a few more 'some people' types to join the Neighborlogs beta. We're looking for a few good bloggers who either are already writing neighborhood sites and want to take their effort to the next level or bloggers in other fields (animal husbandry, for example) who are crazy enough to give placeblogging a try. If you are interested or know somebody who ought to be, you can register for our beta here. Neighborlogs gives you all the tools you will need to create a great neighborhood site. And it gives you all of that for free. (via Seattle Metblogs)
  • iPhone App Store: Let the Market Decide: It's a huge mistake for Apple to appoint themselves arbitrator of what's cool, or to even appear to do so. It's an equally huge mistake for Apple to decide that all innovation must come from Apple. (via Ranchero and Daring Fireball)