This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 16, 2008). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
Sometime between 06:40 and 16:05, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too!
- Cartoon-off: The New Yorker vs. XKCD: The Rules—each contender is to draw: The Internet, as envisioned by the elderly; String Theory; 1999; Your favorite animal eating your favorite food.
- Voter Fraud Fraud: The idea that Democrats try to win elections by arranging for hordes of nonexistent people with improbable names to vote for them has long been a favorite theme of Rove-era Republicans. Now it’s become a desperate obsession.
- Lexical Analysis of 2008 US Presidential and Vice-Presidiential Debates – Who’s the Windbag?: 1 minute summary Speech structural parameters of candidates fall within very narrow tolerances, suggesting high degree of wordsmithing and rehearsal. For example, noun/verb/adjective/adverb ratio is nearly identical, as is unique word count and noun phrase profile. Speech of Presidential candidates is more complex and less repetitive than that of their Vice-Presidential counterparts. Biden is the most repetitive speaker. The Obama/McCain debates began with balanced performance from both candidates but end with Obama verbally overpowering McCain with overwhelming superiority in concepts delivered.
- ‘Joe the Plumber’ says he has no plumbing license: Wurzelbacher said he was surprised that his name was mentioned so many other times. "That bothered me. I wished that they had talked more about issues that are important to Americans," he told reporters gathered outside his home.
- The Stranger Election Control Board Endorsements: Poorly formatted (a number of missing headers, so there's no indication of when they stop talking about one issue and start with another), vulgar, occasionally offensive, and with mildly NSFW ads…but that's The Stranger for you. Here's their recommendations for this year's election. Also available: a quick and simple cheat sheet .pdf.