Single-Image Debate Wrapup

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 16, 2008). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

McCain does his best Bill the Cat impersonation

Actually, to be entirely honest, I thought that this was one of the few more human moments that McCain had. While leaving the stage, he started going one way, realized he should go around the other side of the table, laughed, and did a silly, self-mocking little “which way do I go?” dance. As serious as this campagin, and politics in general, tends to be, I always like to see moments where these “great men” (however “great” you may or may not personally believe them to be) let a little silliness slip through.

That said, some (/cough/ Bush /cough/) do tend to take it too far — a little human fallibility is one thing, giving the impression that you’re cognitively and verbally dysfunctional is entirely another.

And, given that you couldn’t pay me to vote for McCain, and that I thought he came across as a condescending ass for the majority of the debate last night, I can’t entirely claim that images like this don’t give me a good, very partisian laugh. ;)