Links for October 25th through October 27th

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 27, 2008). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Sometime between October 25th and October 27th, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too!

  • Daily Kos: RIP John Galt: There's something in Ayn Rand's works that appeals to everyone at some point in their lives. Everyone wants to identify with the specialness of Dagny Taggart or Howard Roark or John Galt. Everyone feels, at some point in their lives, as if they are the true hub of the universe. Then rational people grow the hell up and get over it. There's no more substance to Rand's objectivist view than there is in a child fantasizing about being a fairy princess, and even less to admire. John Galt is dead. We can only hope he stays buried.
  • Obama for president: Opinion | The Anchorage Daily News — from Palin's home state — endorses the Obama/Biden ticket. (For reference, the ADN is the more liberal of the two Anchorage papers, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the Anchorage Times come out in favor of McCain/Palin).
  • Thrill the World/West Seattle, 1st performance of 3 today: Video! 166 zombies performing Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in Pioneer Square this morning.
  • American Civil Liberties Union : Surveillance Society Clock: Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, the ACLU has determined that nearly 2/3 of the entire US population (197.4 million people) live within 100 miles of the US land and coastal borders. The government is assuming extraordinary powers to stop and search individuals within this zone. This is not just about the border: This " Constitution-Free Zone" includes most of the nation's largest metropolitan areas.
  • Apple donates $100,000 to fight Prop. 8: "Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees' same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person's fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation," the company said in a statement posted on its Web site Friday