Links for December 5th through December 8th

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 8, 2008). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Sometime between December 5th and December 8th, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too!

  • Paramount Filming Klingon Hamlet For DVD: Paramount is headed to the Twin Cities to film Commedia Beauregard perform two scenes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, in Klingon for the new Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country special edition. This is obviously due to the famous dinner scene when Chancellor Gorkon proclaims "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon." According to Kidder the two scenes will be the "taH pagh, taHbe’ (to be or not to be) speech, along with ‘the gravedigger scene (which includes the ‘Alas, poor Yorick’ speech’). On the second scene Kidders adds "they wanted that, because they wanted to use a Klingon skull."
  • Merlin Mann’s Amazon Store Blog: This is my new blog, where I curate items that I have hand-selected for inclusion in The Merlin Mann Amazon Store. That way, you can make smarter buying decisions about the sort of gift that might be right for each of the very special people on your list — as well as being kind to your pocketbook, right?
  • Strobist: Four Reasons to Consider Working for Free: I would like to talk about working for free. Why? Because I think it is one of the fastest ways to make yourself a better photographer, whether you are a pro or an amateur. If you are wondering if I have completely lost my mind, make the jump to judge for yourself.
  • Eye Spy: Filmmaker Plans to Install Camera in His Eye Socket: The eye he's considering replacing is not a working one — it's a prosthetic eye he's worn for several years. Spence, a 36-year-old Canadian filmmaker, is not content with having one blind eye. He wants a wireless video camera inside his prosthetic, giving him the ability to make movies wherever he is, all the time, just by looking around. "If you lose your eye and have a hole in your head, then why not stick a camera in there?" he asks.
  • WordPress Audio Player: Flash-based audio player WP plugin.