Two weekends ago, Prairie and I headed down to Corvallis to visit my brother and his family. Emily, my sister-in-law, is just finishing her doctorate in oceanography, and has accepted a position doing post-doc work at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, associated with MIT. Great news, of course, but it does mean that they’re all moving across the country to Falmouth, MA. Since that’s going to be a lot harder to visit than Corvallis, OR, we wanted to make sure to get a visit with them in before they left.
The full set of photos is on Flickr, here’s a small sampling…
Noah, on day two without training wheels on his bike!
Me, Noah, Kevin, and Paul swimming at the campsite Prairie and I stayed at.
Noah, Prairie, and Paul coloring.
Me reading Noah a couple chapters of some of his current bedtime story (The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe).
We’ll miss being close enough to take a weekend to drive down and visit, but it’s a great opportunity for them and for Emily, and we wish them the best.