On This Day: Mar 7

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2020). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.

There are 33 posts previously published on March 7th

  • 2024
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.🖖 #StarTrekDiscovery S02E08: For all I think DSC needs to do ... Read more
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Milestone: As of today, I’m 10.96% of my way through my ... Read more
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.In today’s offering of “weirdly cute”: a snail playing with a ... Read more
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available. Book twenty-two of 2019: Farmer in the Sky, by Robert ... Read more
  • 2017
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2017). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.This was just the walk from office to car. I do ... Read more
  • 2016
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2016). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Made it halfway through tonight’s workout and my toes cramped up. ... Read more
  • 2014
    • This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 7, 2014). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Proof that I do occasionally get to be social!
  • 2011
    • Back (Sorta) While I don't really think that very many people noticed, something went all pear-shaped over the weekend and this blog disappeared for a few days. Thanks to some assistance from Dreamhost support, I'm back up and running...mostly.
  • 2008
    • 50 Gayest Songs of All Time I figured I'd run down the list and figure out just how many of these camp classics have made it into my music collection over the years. So, under the cut -- does my music collection make the grade? How's my collection of gay anthems?
  • 2006
  • 2005
    • Hitchcock A few weeks ago, Prairie and I watched Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, and tonight I watched North by Northwest. Man I'm bummed I didn't discover Hitchcock earlier.
  • 2004
    • San Juan Island: ducks and pigs The weekend was quite pleasant, though it ended up being a bit more adventurous and taking longer than we expected. I'll get to the details of the 'pig incident' in my next post. ;) Gotta keep y'all coming back somehow, after all!
  • 2002
    • A.I. (Absolutely Incredible) Lots of good discussion about the movie AI is going on over at the Home Theater Forum, and I got lost in it for a few hours.
    • Ashcroft sings? Why Attorney General John Ashcroft just might be insane.
    • Googlewhack I think GoogleWhack could entertain me for hours.
    • Where’s the plane? If a 737 slammed into the Pentagon, shouldn't we have seen more debris? Or just another crackpot conspiracy theory?
    • Under God? Certainly, faith in God has often been linked to patriotism in the US through the pledge of allegiance. But God is, in fact, a relative newcomer to the pledge and was only included in it because of a right-wing religious lobby's efforts during the McCarthyite era.
    • Terror Widows Another political cartoon is causing an uproar -- there's an excellent editorial examining the cartoon in question and the motivations behind it.
    • A prayer for America A Prayer for America, by US Rep Dennis Kucinich.
    • War riddles Apparently the US Military isn't too hot and bothered to find Osama. I'd be surprised if I weren't so damn cynical.
    • What’s a ‘blog’? Dad's asked me in the past what a weblog is. Rebecca does a much better job explaining it than I ever could.
    • Scientology vs. Google Scientologists are trying to manipulate Google results in their favor. The blogosphere fights back.
    • Googlebombing bad? An interesting commentary on the flipside to Googlebombing.
  • 2001
    • Gimme some sugar, baby! My single DVD purchase for the day -- The Evil Dead II!
    • DJ alert I've been confirmed to be DJ'ing this Sat. night at the new Studio 99, in the Northway Mall above Ariel's Hair Salon.