This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 18, 2020). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.
There are 20 posts previously published on March 18th
- 2024
- Year 50 Day 321 I’ve been foot-o-bombed! ➡
- Difficult Listening Hour 2024.03.17 A little darker and gothier, until it gets a little bouncier towards the end, with totally otherwise unconnected nods to St. Paddy's Day at the open and close. ➡
- 2020
- On This Day: Mar 18 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from March 18 ➡
- 2014
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 18, 2014). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Mmmmmm…CUPCAKE! :) ➡
- 2007
- Prairie and Penelope My girl and her latest friend -- Penelope, a wonderfully soft, cuddly, pink bunny. ➡
- 2006
- George Clooney does not make statements. He answers questions. There appears to be a bit of a tussle going on between George Clooney and The Huffington Post, where his 'I am a liberal' post (now removed from THP) was printed. ➡
- 2005
- Loose Change I was trained to count change back to a customer change first, up to the amount they paid. These days, cashiers just drop the money in my hand with the change on top of the bills, making it difficult not to dump the change all over the floor. When did this start? ➡
- 2004
- In my world… …the Cheesecake Factory would be decorated entirely with 1950's pin-ups. ➡
- 2003
- Exploring Bush's global ineptitude Two excellent articles have popped up over the past couple days examining Bush's mind-numbingly, painful inability to actually work with the global community to accomplish his goals, putting America in a position of being the agressor 'rouge state' that the rest of the world fears. ➡
- More on Howard Dean Gov. Howard Dean has been crossing my radar more and more recently. As it turns out, in addition to his official site, his campaign has an official weblog active (the first time a Presidential candidate has had any form of weblog, as far as I know), and there is also a privately run 'Howard Dean in 2004' weblog active. ➡
- Useful bookmarklets A ton of useful (and fun, in an extremely geeky sort of way) bookmarklets for digging into the code of a website to figure out just how it all works. I've snagged the first two listed already ('Show and label divs with ids' and 'Show and label divs with classes'), and will be checking out more later on. ➡
- India vs. New Zealand Ever wondered what would happen if an English sports writer lost it while posting to a live website while covering a cricket match? ➡
- Peaceblogs is a site devoted to making connections between bloggers who oppose the impending war against Iraq. Regardless of your ideology or political affiliation, your nation of origin, or the size or scope of your site, if you oppose the war and use your weblog to express that opposition, your site is welcome among our listings. ➡
- Blogroll updated I spent a little time tonight updating my blogroll (on the right, just underneath the WudiVisions icon) to more accurately reflect the sites that I check on a daily basis. It automatically sorts by how recently they've been updated, so the most recent bits will always be towards the top, with sites that have been updated within the last six hours bracketed by hyphens. Lots of new reading there — enjoy… ➡
- I hope this is a joke I really, really, really hope this is a joke, but the website looks all too serious. In a move even more mind-bogglingly stupid than the call to rename the second Lord of the Rings Movie, 'The Two Towers,' due to post-9/11 trauma, a guy by the name of Josh Wander has posted a petition to give the Statue of Liberty back to France. ➡
- 2002
- Boy meets girl… Before next date, girl does a Google search for boy's name, and finds his blog -- commenting on her lack of ability to kiss and his disappointment in not getting more frisky. Boy finds out about public disclosure of his comments when he starts getting e-mails and comments on his blog. ➡
- A history of Arthur Andersen A good in-depth article from the New York Times detailing the history behind Andersen's part in the Enron/Andersen scandal. I'm no legal or financial expert, but I can't say that things look good in the least. ➡
- CIA anthrax connection So -- would the BBC reporting that the CIA may have been involved in the Anthrax scare be a major scoop of hard-hitting investigative reporting, or merely conspiracy theories spilling over into mainstream media? ➡
- The American brand Having conflicting views about the U.S. -- admiring its creativity, for instance, but resenting its double standards -- doesn't mean you are 'mixed up,' to use Mr Olins' phrase, it means you have been paying attention. ➡
- Britney Underground Apparently New York wasn't too keen on the Britney Spears posters dotting the subway lines. Britney Underground shows off some of the graffitti decorating Britney's ads. ➡