Week eight of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday mid-mornings. These are the results. Anything goes.
- Eisfabrik, Too Late
- De/Vision, Time to Be Alive
- Bruderschaft feat. Daniel Myer & Haujobb, Falling [Enter and Fall]
- En Esch with Terminal Sect, Who Made Who
- Machines of Loving Grace, All I Really Need
- Laibach, Sympathy for the Devil (Who Killed the Kennedys)
- Final Cut, She Destroys (Hilltop)
- Depeche Mode, Policy of Truth (Capitol)
- Ohi Ho Bang Bang, The Three
- Bow Wow Wow, I Want Candy (Girls Eats Boy)
- Meat Beat Manifesto, Acid Again
- Die Warzau, All Good Girls (Joyous)
- 29 Died, Mother Nature (Innocent)
- David Bowie, Magic Dance (12″)
- Talking Heads, Burning Down the House (Razormaid)
- Schwarzblut, Vogala
- Alex & Tokyo Rose, Sacrifice
- Abney Park, Stigmata Martyr
- Covenant, After Hours
- DJ Y alias JY, Teardrop Madness