Best part of snow: living on a cul-de-sac after the plows come through. King of the hill!
Photos, usually taken by me. May be mirrored or imported from other services.
Approaching the end of the weekend. Not entirely convinced that going back to work tomorrow is really the best idea, but I don’t think I have a choice.
It snowed at least two inches while we were in the show; here at home, the snow is deeper than the car’s clearance (as evidenced by the marks between the tire tracks). We’re getting much more of a dump than I expected!
Braving the winter weather for a night out at the opera!
It’s been snowing all day, but it’s coming down nice and strong now that we’re out and about!
A book and a fancy hot chocolate. Not at all a bad way to spend a Friday evening.
The first decent snow of the winter, and rain is predicted by the middle of next week!
Not actually wearing the mask today, but I wanted to try it out properly. Gotta admit, if I had a need to be out in the cold for a while, this would do a great job of keeping my face warm! Prairie still thinks it just looks creepy.
A hat and two hoods (hoodie and jacket) makes for good insulation, but also rids me of any peripheral vision. Prairie kept giggling and poking me in the noggin.
Huh. Well, would’ja look at that. Somebody snuck a bootleg @norwescon poster in here. How’d that happen?