A somewhat better view of my one (so far) tattoo than in last night’s shot. Got this a few years before I left Alaska, so…oh, at least 15 years ago now. Someday I’ll get another – I know what and where, I just haven’t done it yet.
Photos, usually taken by me. May be mirrored or imported from other services.
End of the day, time to get ready for bed.
Playing with filters; I think I made an album cover.
I never left the house today, so I figured I’d see if these guys had any ideas for an interesting photo.
Possibly as close as I’m likely to get to the stereotypical selfie. Couldn’t get myself to stoop to duckface, though. I have some pride.
Why, yes universe – a headache was just what I needed on a Friday afternoon. How thoughtful of you!
Fire Destroys Students?!? Unfortunate fold placement for this issue of the campus paper. (The missing word is “Apartment”, and no one was harmed, just property.)
Red Robot thinks it’s time to go home. Sadly, it’s not. I think I need to check his clock settings. ;)
I’m not thrilled that the three-day weekend is over, but at least the long weekend means this will be a short work week.